Sample questions for passing NP

Strona: eNauczanie
Kurs: Nuclear Power
Książka: Sample questions for passing NP
Wydrukowane przez użytkownika: Gość
Data: środa, 15.01.2025, 15:32 PM

1. Energy&sources

  1. Multiplicity of units used in power industry, exchange and give values
  2. Energy units, replace and describe
  3. Energy transformation, explain the concept and give examples
  4. Energy conversion, explain the concept and give examples
  5. Primary and secondary energy, explain the concept and give examples
  6. Replace 5 renewable energy resources
  7. Replace gaseous, solid and liquid organic primary fuels
  8. Name 5 countries with the largest nuclear fuel resources in the world
  9. Present the structure of installed capacity in the KSEE, including the value of installed capacity
  10. Present the structure of electricity production in Poland

2. Power system

  1. What is the power system?
  2. Present the features of the power system
  3. Present the division of the power plant due to the type of primary energy used
  4. Present the division of the power plant due to its administrative affiliation
  5. Present the division of the power plant due to the type of thermal engine of the power plant
  6. What is the difference between power plants and heat and power plants?
  7. Power plant breakdown due to working time during the year
  8. Describe the features of electric energy

3. Coal power plant and gas power plant

  1. What elements (main) is a coal-fired power plant?
  2. What is the role of the power boiler?
  3. What is the role of the turbine and generator?
  4. Present three energy fuels used in the Polish energy industry with its heating values.
  5. What is cogeneration / co-production?
  6. Discuss the difference between a gas and a gas-steam block.

4. Hydro power plant and wind power plan

  1. Present the hydroelectric resources of Poland.
  2.  Discuss the profiles of the largest hydropower plants in the world.
  3. What is the installed capacity in the largest national hydro plant?
  4.  Present the classification of hydropower plants operating in inland waters.
  5.  What is the maretermic and maremotoric power plant?
  6.  Discuss the functions of pumped storage hydro power plants.
  7.  What unusual functionality has a 400 kW Francis Hydro Set in Porąbka Hydro Power Station?
  8.  Introduce Europe's leaders in terms of installed capacity in wind farms.
  9.  Introduce wind energy leaders in the world.
  10.  Provide the name and installed power of the largest wind farm in the world

5. Radiological protection and national experience with NP

  1. What is the radioactivity?
  2. Describe alpha, beat and gamma radiation.
  3. How is radioactivity detected on objects and among employees?
  4. Give examples of natural sourses of radiation
  5. Give examples of man-made sourses to radiation
  6. Present the fuel cycle of nuclear fuel
  7. What is MOX and where is it used?
  8. List three global leaders of energy production in EJ
  9. Describe three cycles in EJ
  10. Describe in few word the reactors, which are used in Poland

6. Radioactive waste

  1. What are radioactive waste?
  2. List the sources of radioactive wast
  3. Give examples of radioactive waste for each of the 4 classes according to the breakdown criterion depending on their intensity
  4. What is the conditioning of radioactive waste?
  5. What types of binders are used for conditioning waste?
  6. List the advantages of a glass binder
  7. List barrier systems to prevent the spread of radioactive substances
  8. What does the "ZUOP" do?
  9. What is the "KSOP" in Różan?