Sample questions for passing NP

4. Hydro power plant and wind power plan

  1. Present the hydroelectric resources of Poland.
  2.  Discuss the profiles of the largest hydropower plants in the world.
  3. What is the installed capacity in the largest national hydro plant?
  4.  Present the classification of hydropower plants operating in inland waters.
  5.  What is the maretermic and maremotoric power plant?
  6.  Discuss the functions of pumped storage hydro power plants.
  7.  What unusual functionality has a 400 kW Francis Hydro Set in Porąbka Hydro Power Station?
  8.  Introduce Europe's leaders in terms of installed capacity in wind farms.
  9.  Introduce wind energy leaders in the world.
  10.  Provide the name and installed power of the largest wind farm in the world