Wiki 4

Unfortunately, we did not manage to create a group of four. Due to the difficulty of dividing 4 roles into 3 people, we did all the work together. The members of the group are Aleksandra Pałka, Karol Kaczorowski and Kamil Gurgul.

After greeting and exchanging appropriate courtesies, both sides went on to discuss the agenda of the meeting.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: Should we have a look at the main points for today’s discussion?

Manager of Bajaj-tel: Of course. I think we should start by discussing the reports you sent us a few days ago about the situation in the mobile market in Africa. We are interested in finding out how saturated the market is and how much competition we have to/can (or should) expect to face during while implementing our plan.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: Sure. The main company with the largest number of customers in our region is SANphone. They are the greatest threat to our potential cooperation so we should look only on at them but we should also have somewhere in our mind that the competition is tough/strong/fierce/big and we should not underestimate anyone.

Manager of Bajaj-tel: What, then, are you able to propose us in the fight against a competitive company? Do you have any specific expertise on the operation of the SANphone company?

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: In relation to our report on mobile networks in Africa, we are able to clearly say that the solutions used here by the other companies are outdated and very financially very/really unprofitable. Especially if we compare it with our policy of running a business, where you made a big profit with a small unit margin, it seems to us that we are able to financially break outstrip the solutions used by the rest. This situation occurs thanks we owe to the/our low cost model.

Chief of finance of Bajaj-tel: We are very satisfied with this news. Then you will agree with us that we are able to complete our project within 12 months, won’t you?

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: You cannot be more wrong, because due to the political situation in South Africa, an attempt to implement such an extensive project would take, for example, 3 years. However, thanks to our contacts with people from the government, we are able to limit reduce the implementation time to 18 months.

Manager of Bajaj-tel: I am afraid we can’t accept that offer. If we want to stick to/carry out achieve our plan with the financial goals we have to implement it as soon as possible. What could we do to help you, and above all, to speed up the implementation time?

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: It is possible to limit shorten this time to 12 months but then you would have to give up some long-term goals and assumptions, for example, why the government refused to implement certain projects in the past years by another company in the industry.

Manager of Bajaj-tel: Despite the awareness that extending the project implementation time by 3 months will reduce our potential profits by about 10%, we would be able to offer it to you in exchange for receiving an expert opinion on the government's activities from previous years. Would you be willing to accept a this compromise?

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: I think your proposal is acceptable.

Chief of finance of Bajaj-tel: Excellent, let's go through on to the next point. As we have already discussed the short term goals of receiving numerous reports and studies from you, we would like to highlight our long term goals as well. The ckey/crucial/main long term goal is that implementation time of the new network can’t take more time than 15 months that we have already mentioned. In addition to that we also require regular consultation with the consultancy after the project is up and running. We also think that it wouldn’t be any problem for you because you have already worked on projects similar to ours, haven’t you?

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: Yes, we have worked in on/with many such projects. The most difficult thing that we managed to accomplish was introducing a new internet network in South Africa for the company AleksandraCorporation. We will send a detailed report on this cooperation by e-mail immediately after the meeting. Now, maybe we could talk a little about terms of payment at this point? The rate that would fully satisfy us is $250 per hour. Another issue is the method and timing of payments. We would like to be paid in 5 tranches throughout the implementation process.

Chief executive of Bajaj-tel: Our maximum option for a 15 month fulfillment is $160 per hour. However, if you manage to go down to 12 months of lead time, we can go up to $230 per hour. Regarding the frequency of the disbursements, we are able to agree to your terms.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: Okay, then we agree to these terms. If we manage to complete the project in 12 months, our rate is $230, and if not it's $160 as you propose.

Chief executive of Bajaj-tel: Let us also raise the last point that is important to us. If we are willing to pay you so much, we want your squad to be more experienced and thus consist of only senior professionals.  rangers.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: Then if you want our team to be more professional, we are forced to increase the hourly wage by $30 in each of the previously described scenarios.

Chief executive of Bajaj-tel: We are ready to accept you offer but only if it will be is additional $20.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: I think we can agree with you at on that point.

Chief executive of Bajaj-tel: We are very glad that we went through the main topics questions/issues that we wanted to discuss but at the same time we also think that holding the next/another meeting soon will be quite is obligatory to make sure that everything is clear for both sides.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: For us, the meeting next week is also obvious, so it's good that you brought up this topic and now let’s sum this up to make sure we are on the same page.

Chief executive of Bajaj-tel: Indeed, we will send you the report electronically after the meeting.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: Excellent, thank you for your time and successful conversations. negotiations. It’s always good doing business with you and I’m glad that we could hammer out the agreement.

Chief executive of Bajaj-tel: Also thank you for your time and I already look forward to our next meeting.

Senior partner of Heitinga T-com: Take care.



Dear Sir,

This report is to present the outcome of the negotiations between the representatives of Heitinga T-com and Bajaj-tel, held in Johannesburg on 16.11.2020. The following terms of contract have been agreed on:

- The timescale of the project is between 12 and 15 months depending on the problems that we would face during the implementation process.

- The deliverables: your company is committed to providing us with extensive reports on the mobile market in South Africa and decisions made by the government in the past that may have a key impact on our cooperation. We also require implementation of the new network and regular consultation with the consultancy with time the frequency we have already discussed during the meeting.

- $250 fee/hour when it comes to 12 months of implementation process, otherwise $180 fee/hour.

- In return for such a high salary, you committed to choose a fully professional and experienced team/squad, and thus juniors are not welcome. included.

Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.


Chief executive of Bajaj-tel

The work is really well done. Congratulations. :))
Language of negotiations: 10
Grammar+spelling: 18
Solution: 10

Marks: 38/40