how to study from home

how to study from home

by Aleksandra Pałka -
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Last semester was a great preparing preparation for studying from home. Thanks to that time, now we are more familiar with what to expect. That’s why less situations could surprise us which means we are less stressed. So far probably everyone knows which way of learning suits them and which doesn’t, so we are more likely to avoid our previous mistakes.

My advice is to keep up with the schedule – complete projects on time, preferably do the assignments before the deadline or make a list of smaller steps to do, so it will be easier to motivate yourself to start working.

Creating a morning routine is also important. There is more chance that you’ll start studying at the a certain time if you dress up and make a the bed.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano piątek, 9.10.2020, 10:31 )

140 words