Remote learning

Remote learning

by Aleksandra Kluczka -
Number of replies: 0

Throughout the last semester we all have had ability were all able to get new experience of learning in a remote remoted way. The new situation was a little bit stressful for all of us becose because overnight we needed to change all the habits that we used to have.

To get more smoothly and relatively stress free through the present semester it will deffFinitely will be helpful to preaparing prepare a daily schedule day by day and doing our tasks as planned. Thanks to this you are sure that we have done all that we had to by the deadline.

What is also important: don’t be afraid to ask for help. Others can have the same problem as you. Together you are going to done it faster and you won’t feel anymore that much overcome by stress.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 11.10.2020, 15:15 )

148 words