See the results

See the results

by Justyna Borwik -
Number of replies: 0

Changes, both in professional and personal life, are impossible to avoid. It’s part of human nature that we are afraid of them. Staff may be terrified that the old, “better” system’s going to be replaced with something that they don’t know yet. Also it may be hard for them that a consultant starts to advice about things that person from the outside may know nothing about, because he or she doesn’t even work there.

The best option in my opinion is to explain the staff that it’s absolutely normal to be afraid of them, but if they want to go forward they have to change something. It would be helpful to remind them that consultant has lots of experience, preferably give them examples of companies that thanks to his or her advices got much better. Then they may see that it can be a big chance for them.

148 words