I would consider working as consultant

I would consider working as consultant

Napisane przez: Błażej Borowiecki ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

I do not have a dream job yet, but being a consultant looks really interesting so I would consider this profession in the future.

The biggest advantage of this job is its diversity. It is not just a boring paperwork. Every problem is different and requires different approach and solutions. It is a  very developing job and I would consider it at the beginning of my career.

On the other side, there is one drawback that worries me - that is unpredictability. I am a person who likes fixed working hours and I know that consultants cannot always count on that.

If I had to choose one sector that I would like to try work in, I would consider IT industry. I don't have much knowledge in the field of IT yet, but I am constantly increasing it. IT is dynamically developing and requires new solutions so I could gain a lot of experience quickly working in that sector.

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