I don't feel like it

I don't feel like it

by Paulina Mróz -
Number of replies: 0

I dont' feel like I want to be a consultant, there's are too many cons for me. I think I would feel tired in a job like this beacuse of a large variety of projects. I would never want to work on so many different projects for different companies in different sectors, Improving the quality in one specific company, where I would work at the moment, would give me more satisfaction and proffesional fulfilment. Another thing in a consultant's job that don't doesn't suit me is different the working time that can change in at any moment - I like to have an opportunity to plan my weekend, vacations, etc. I also don't want to bring work into my private time, The work-life balance is important and the clear  clean mind can make me work better.

Right now, I cannot teel talk about a specific company that I want to work for, because I am still looking for what will suit me best.

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