Beeing a consultant

Beeing a consultant

Napisane przez: Celina Pawłowska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

Working as  a consultant is not a good idea for me. Beeing a consultant requires organisation and self-discipline which I don't have at all. This work is sadly very unpredictable. Once you have nothing to do, next day you don't know what is more important - that much you have to prepare. Also sometines is necessary to do your job in the evenings or even nights, so it is very hard to plan your personal life like meeting friends, going on holiday, or visiting your familiy. Despite that working as a consultant has one big advantage for me. Requires traveling which I really love, but it is insufficiently to convince me to that kind of job. Anyway if I must do consulting I would like to work in fashion company. I could work in a sector that interested me.

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