Is it a good option for me?

Is it a good option for me?

by Michał Żmudowski -
Number of replies: 0


If somebody proposes me to work as a consultant, I will think about it. I like trying new things, well if an offer is satisfying for me, I will agree. If it will be interesting and learner for me, I will not leave this company very fast.

I’m deputy-chairman of entrepreneurship in SSPG - Student Government of GUT and I spend a lot of time talking to people by phone and communicators like Google Meet and this is not a problem for me. In this position, I have contacts the business world, well I know something about their work and what they need. Paperwork is not the problem for me. Advising people and helping them with problems are very positive for me and I like doing it. Wide variety of projects are interesting for me and I will not do the same things all time. I can’t see some reasons which can’t let me be a consultant. 

It is very hard to me to tell about kind of company would I like to work for but I think that I can be a consultant, which specialize in fundraising, crowdfunding and CSR (corporate social responsibility).

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