Not the biggest fan

Not the biggest fan

Napisane przez: Kamil Gurgul ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

In my opinion, distance learning is not a good alternative to classroom learning, but in times of a pandemic the only one possible. The biggest disadvantage of distance education is the lack of a learning atmosphere at home. When you went to the university you had to get up an hour earlier, dress nicely, always be careful during classes. Unfortunately, in distance learning, whether we do it depends only on us and we are not always motivated to do so.

This, I think, was the biggest downside to e-learning last semester. The second big disadvantage is less frequent and not so intense contact with friends. On the other hand, the time saved for commuting to the university is a huge plus. However, I consider this to be the only remarkable advantage of this way of learning, so I'll never be a fan of distance education.

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