better alternative to conventional classes

better alternative to conventional classes

by Marta Adkonis -
Number of replies: 0

I reckon that distance learning is the best option of learning at university because this type of education is not obligatory. There are only people that know what they want. I prefer this kind of learning because it is easier for me to manage my time and I don't have to worry about commuting to university and being late to classes. There is constant access to the course material so I can take a break any time I want. If I forgot or missed something, I can always go back and reread it. The main advantage is that online learning is safety due to not having physical contact with other people.
But there are some obstacles like an unstable internet connection or other technical problems. It is harder to focus on the ongoing lecture because of all the distractions. It is a pity that you cannot meet with other students during classes, and distance working in groups can be quite inconvenient. However, there are many online tools that can make it much more practical.
In the previous semester, I have learned how distance learning works, what I should expect from it and how to manage my time to be the most productive. The beginning was quite demanding, but now I have got used to it and now it's my favourite way to study. I hope that classes will remain in its current form.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 22.11.2020, 13:35 )

243 words