Distance learning as new and not so good experience

Distance learning as new and not so good experience

Napisane przez: Aleksandra Bartkowska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

For many people, this semester is just another one with distance learning. For me, it’s a completely new experience. At first, I was scared about how whatit's going to look like. And then my fear got magnified by joining the group of students that I've I had never met.

As the new year started, I hardly got to know anybody since we had only two classes in a week at the University. Moreover, everyone already knew each other which made it even more difficult.

But by the with time I became excited about this new form of study. The biggest advantage of e-learning is  saving the time which all of us spend on getting to school and coming back. Another pro is the possibility to stay without makeup, wearing comfortable clothes during classes.

Unfortunately, my happiness about this turn of events didn't last long. After some time, I saw more and more disadvantages of staying at home all the time. Apart from the lack of face-to-face interactions, there were too many distractions. Not only about the house like thinking about the dishes waiting for the washing waiting to be done, food waiting to prepare, flatmate having another class or talking on the phone. Because of COVID-19 a lot of people lost their jobs and now they sit at home. Some of them, using the given free time, want to change the appearance of the flat or get more fit. As much as I understand all of them, the noise of the drill next door or a person jumping in the apartment above is almost unbearable. Especially during the class or exam. What's worse, sometimes I can't even hear what the professors are saying. Because of this, I miss a lot of the important information teachers pass on to the students. To illustrate how bad e-learning is, just imagine that during a very important exam your computer disconnects with from the Internet. This accident might reduce the time you have to finish an the exam or even make you fail it. These kinds of situations would never happen while regular studying at University.

In the end, I am really surprised that in a very short period of time everyone managed to change their way of learning, studying, but mostly living. Of course, I understand that this is not easy for anybody. And like it or not, the University and government made this decision to protect us. But when it comes to me, just after two months of studying from home, I can honestly say that I already miss conventional classes and I hope that soon we'll be able to come back to normal life.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 24.11.2020, 13:12 )

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