E-learning - Faculty of Management and Economics

E-learning - Faculty of Management and Economics

by Michał Żmudowski -
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We can observe in the current semester that some changes were introduced compared to the past semester. I had hybrid activities in September and, for example, I go went to university once a week and rest of the week I spend in the house spent at home doing in remote activities. In At the Faculty of Management and Economics in Gdańsku University of Technology we had now have e-learning system to end of Winter Semester 2020/2021. 

What is my opinion about e-learning compared to conventional learning on an considering the example about of my department in at Gdańsku University of Technology? I think that distance learning in lectures can be very comfortable for both students and lecturers. Listening and talking in lectures could be online in my opinion. The Act of Higher Education allows to give not more than 50% of ECTS points with for using distance learning in universities with a practical profile. However, exercises the classes and laboratory classes in my opinion should be with conventional learning. In this situation a student's contact with a the tutor/lecturer is very useful and helpful for both sides.

The past semester was a very hard time for me, because I had to organize my time for my university activities, my duties in the Students Government of Gdańsk University of Technology (SSPG) and house chores. I had to put somewhere my free time somewhere between many duties, because like everybody, I need it. The beginning was difficult but later it was easier. Treating this situation as a challenge and good time management was very helpful for me.



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