I prefer traditional form

I prefer traditional form

by Justyna Borwik -
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Honestly I prefer conventional learning. Sometimes I just can’t focus at home and that’s why I feel e-learning is just not for me. It costs me lots of courage to concentrate enough to get something out of webinars. Also the presence of other students on lectures had a very postive impact on me and I simply miss that.


But even I see advantages of e-learning. One of them is the fact that it allows you to work in your own pace. Many teachers share their materials which is a huge benefit for people that can’t participate at lectures – they can study it later.


The previous semester was quite hard to me to get use to. I mean it wasn’t easy for me to prepare to lessons and remember about deadlines. I had some technical problems too. But teachers were really understanding which helped me and other students to survive the process of acclimatization.


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