It is what it is

It is what it is

Napisane przez: Cyprian Podściański ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

I believe that headhunting is something that has become quite natural in business. Nowadays it is used so widely that everyone has stopped fighting it. Business does not care about your feelings or any human feelings whatsoever. Headhunting is something that's just plain brutal and unfrotunately if businesses want to glow up they just have to adapt and end up using these kinds of strategies in order to gain new valuable workers. It's sad but it is today's reality. Slowly companies are beginning start to realize that people do not like this kind of interruption so they tend to use new strategies which may some day outshine headhunting. But unfortunately it is not today.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 1.12.2020, 20:11 )

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