Same charm, new dimension

Same charm, new dimension

Napisane przez: Martyna Kępka ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

Nowadays when more and more aspects of our lives become digital, we perform a large majority of task online or via the computer or any other electronic device, however I don’t feel like this has had any negative influence on the charm of Christmas. Traditions like such are usually long awaited and very well associated, therefore people always take great care when preparing to them. The digitalization enabled us to perform various task (like shopping) much faster and more effectively, without the need out leaving our homes, we have unlimited access to information in the real time – we can search for Christmas recipes online or keep in touch with our friends and family all around the globe. In my opinion this has only expanded the “Christmas magic” to a new, online dimension, but has not drawn away any charm – people will still celebrate in the traditional form.

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