Nothing really changed

Nothing really changed

by Karol Kaczorowski -
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In my opinion, despite the amenities we are dealing with at present, the "magic of Christmas" has not changed and is doing well. We still decorate our homes, Christmas trees and gardens. We are still cleaning our houses as best we can as if the Sanepid would could/were to come to us with an inspection. We still cook countless amounts of food just to sit at the table for days and try to eat it all. We still listen to Christmas carols and watch Christmas movies, despite the fact that we do it more often through Spotify and Netflix than we sing with our family or watch Christmas performances in the theater. So as I said, I think nothing has really changed. But what has changed is the ease of communicating with others, especially those who are not currently at the same table with us for various reasons. We can connect with them on webcams and enjoy the moments spent “together”. But it is rather a positive phenomenon so I believe that there is no need to worry :)

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