Fora ogólne

Forum Opis Dyskusje
Komunikaty i ogłoszenia

Fora dydaktyczne

Temat Forum Opis Dyskusje
6.10.2020 How to get through the present semester

Based on own experience(s) of the past semester, share advice on how to get (more) smoothly and relatively stress free through the present semester. See if you can adopt some ideas from the TED talk.

20.10.2020 Staff resistance

Why do you think staff may be resistant to the suggested changes?

How can this resistance be overcome in your opinion?

27.10.2020 Consultant

Would you like to be a consultant? Why? Why not?

What aspects(s) of the job would you enjoy the most and the least?

What kind of company would you like to work for?

17.11.2020 Distance learning

Do you think that e-learning/distance learning/distance education is a good solution/alternative/option to conventional/classroom learning? Why? / Why not?

What did you particularly like, dislike or found difficult about the previous semester, which was distance learning?

1.12.2020 TEST Forum

Headhunting is when executives are approached by consultants who try to persuade them to take another job. Some people think this is unethical. What do you think?

Write your post in at least 100 words.

22.12.2020 (22.12) Digital Christmas

In today’s digitalized world, when we communicate and lead our lives online a lot, has Christmas and/or other traditional holidays lost any of their charm and appeal for you? Explain.