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Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
7.10.2020 How to get through the present semester

Based on own experience(s) of the past semester, share advice on how to get (more) smoothly and relatively stress free through the present semester. See if you can adopt some ideas from the TED talk.

14.10.2020 Selecting your employer (refer to the class plan)

Which three of the criteria (see Preview) would you consider the most important/crucial? – rank them in the order of importance.

Which one/ones would you consider the least?

21.10.2020 Valued practices

What practices, except a generous remuneration, would you expect form your potential employer to motivate you to join them and retain you there? Consider the options/scope offered by SAS.

Give reasons for which the chosen options are particularly valuable to you.

28.10.2020 Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Would you make a good entrepreneur?

What are your strongest points?

What would you have to work on to become a more successful entrepreneur?

4.11.2020 Start-ups (at least 150 words please)

Have you ever considered or are you considering starting up your own business? How advanced are you in this planning?

If you are not considering this idea, why not? Do you think your present attitude may change at any point in time?

Where can young entrepreneurs with an idea for a start-up ...

2.12.2020 Staff resistance

Why do you think staff may be resistant to changes suggested by a consultant??

How can this resistance be overcome in your opinion?

9.12.2020 Consultant

Would you like to be a consultant? Why? Why not?

What aspects(s) of the job would you enjoy the most and the least?

What kind of company would you like to work for?

15.12.2020 Engineering thesis

Post your report on the Engineering thesis.

Present the topic, the reasons for choosing this particular one and say what you have planned to include in the thesis.

Make the post 200 words.