
(Books are not open-access materials. They are for students' / teachers' reference for further studying / teaching.)

  • Understanding Sustainable Development, John Blewitt (2018)
  • The Age of Sustainable Development, Jeffry D. Sacs, & Ban Ki-Moon 2015)
  • An Introduction to Sustainable Development, Jennifer A. Elliott (2006)
  • Rebalancing Society, Henry Mintzberg (2015)

Academic Articles

  • Environment, economy and society: fitting them together into sustainable development - B. Giddings, B. Hopwood and G. O’Brien (2002) [link]

  • Sustainable development: Meaning, history, principles, pillars, and implications for human action: Literature review - J. Mensah (2019) [link]

  • Reinvigorating the sustainable development research agenda: the role of the sustainable development goals (SDG) - W. Leal Filho and U. Azeiteiro et. Al. (2017) [link]

  • Translating Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Interdependencies into Policy Advice - A. Breuer, H. Janetschek and D. Malerba (2019) [link]

  • Roles of Actors in Promoting Sustainable Development - P. Nițoaia and G. Camară (2018) [link]

  • From fighting COVID-19 pandemic to tackling sustainable development goals: An opportunity for responsible information systems research - S.L. Pan and S. Zhang (2020) [link]

Documents / Reports

(These grey literature materials are for users’ reference, and it is recommended to skim & scan them)

(Please check the website of World Economic Forum for updated documents for coming years)
(Please check the website of UN for updated documents for coming years)
(Please check the website of Global Compact for updated documents for coming years)

Videos (Lectures / Presentations)

  • Final Warning Limits to Growth - ca. 40 min.
  • MOOC | Jeffrey Sachs - The Age of Sustainable Development | Lecture 1
    “What is Sustainable Development” (Chapters 1-5) – ca. 60 min. total
  • Bill Gates on Global Inequality, Climate Change and Big Tech – ca. 30 min.
  • UN SDG Toolkit – series of 15 videos, ca. 5-10 min. each
  • UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): What They Are & Why They're Important – ca. 17 min.
  • TED Talk: How we can make the world a better place by 2030 – ca. 15 min.
Last modified: sobota, 5.03.2022, 11:40