
(Books are not open-access materials. They are for students' / teachers' reference for further studying / teaching.)

  • Principles of Responsible Management: Global Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics, O. Laasch and R.N. Conaway (2014)
  • The Triple Bottom Line: How Today's Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success -- and How You Can Too, A. Savitz and K. Weber (2014)
  • The Responsibility Revolution, J. Hollender, B. Breen and P. Senge (2010)
  • The Sustainable MBA, G. Weybrecht (2014)

Academic Articles

  • The Business Case for Corporate Sustainability: Literature Review and Research Options, O. Salzmann, A. Ionescu-Somers and U. Steger (2005) [link]
  • Beyond the business case for corporate sustainability, T. Dyllick and K. Hockerts (2002) [link]
  • A History of Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts and Practices, A.B. Carroll (2009) [link]
  • The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility, E.C. Kurucz, B.A. Colbert and D. Wheeler (2009) [link]
  • The Stakeholder Approach Revisited, R.E. Freeman (2004) [link]
  • The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits, M. Friedman (1970) [link]
  • Taking Friedman seriously: Maximizing profits and social performance, B.W. Husted and J. de Jesus Salazar (2006) [link]
  • Creating Shared Value, M.E. Porter and M.R. Kramer, M. R. (2011) [link]
  • Human Resource Development and Society: Human Resource Development’s Role in Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Ethics in Organizations, T.N. Garavan and D. McGuire (2010) [link]
  • Corporate sustainability and organizational culture, M.K. Linnenluecke and A. Griffiths (2010) [link]
  • The Importance of Communication in Sustainability & Sustainable Strategies, R. Genc (2017) [link]
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship: definitions, themes and research gaps, A. Greco and G. de Jong (2017) [link]

Documents / Reports

(These grey literature materials are for users’ reference, and it is recommended to skim & scan them)

Videos (Lectures / Presentations)

  • Putting Sustainability into Practice: How and Why Successful Organizations Embrace Sustainability – ca. 50 min.
  • A Brief History of Corporate Sustainability: A conversation with John Elkington – ca. 28 min.
  • What is the stakeholder theory ? by R. Edward Freeman | ESSEC Classes – ca. 10 min.
  • TED Talk: Michael Porter: The case for letting business solve social problems – ca. 15 min.
  • TED Talk: Audrey Choi: How to make a profit while making a difference – ca. 12 min.
  • Bob Langert: The business case for working with your toughest critics – ca. 15 min.
  • TED Talk: Steve Howard: Let's go all-in on selling sustainability – ca. 13 min.
  • TED Talk: Ray Anderson: The business logic of sustainability – ca. 15 min.
  • TEDx Talk: Reclaiming Social Entrepreneurship - Daniela Papi Thornton - ca. 17 min.
  • The Corporation – Documentary – ca. 2,5 hours (Extra video material for those who want to watch)
Last modified: sobota, 5.03.2022, 11:49