Wiki 1

Marta Adkonis - Chief Executive of Bajaj-tel
Aleksandra Farasiewicz - Chief of Finance in Bajaj-tel
Cyprian Podściański - Senior partner at Heitinga T-com Consulting
Tymoteusz Zientalski - Junior Consultant at Heitinga T-com Consulting

CP: Our team has pointed out the following concerns about the whole project of implementing the new network to on the South Africa’s n market. The objections from the government may be the hardest part to overcome in our project. We suggest taking care of it first because the success of this venture depends on the government’s decision.

TZ: Another objection might be thrown at us from the local companies in order to keep us out of the game. This is a low-level thread however because once we get a the government on our side there is no stopping us from taking over the South African region. The whole project should take about 12 months starting from the research stage. After the research and fight with the government are settled the rest is up to our consultants which are very up to the task and experienced with the rest of the procedures.

MA: Our main concern is your team’s experience in conducting similar projects. We need to know that you can handle this one because there will be negotiations with the government. Several foreign companies have been rejected because of unsuccessful discussions. This certainly will be the hardest part of our operation. So, we were wondering whether you’d be able to show us one of your case studies.

AF: We understand that the discussions with the government might last a few months due to the bureaucracy and designated terms. However, we have to set up operations in 12 months’ time. This is the fundamental interest that our cooperation depends on. Are you able to accomplish this condition? We have to know the answer immediately because without your guarantee further negotiations are meaningless.

CP: Our specialists have a 100% winning record in court in discussions with the government so it should take no less not more than/less than 6 months to out-talk the higher-level staff to our side. We are not allowed to share our case studies so our cooperation will have to remain based on trust. We have never lost any case so we can begin the early stages of the project right from the start while our specialists take care of the government negotiations.

AF: This project is too absorbing to remain on trust. If you cannot show us the case studies, you have to at least share the names of the industries that you have been discussing with the government for. This will give us a picture of your experience. 

CP: I’d have to check with my supervisor first. However, I think that should be do-able. 

MA: Thank you. What about the data you are going to prepare in the first stage of the project?

TZ: We can deliver a report about the actual deals with SANphone. That will give us a field for negotiation. We have experience with similar projects, a good plan is important, but we believe that successful implementation is key. We can help with that.

CP: We will continue our cooperation once the project is running, we will follow you and advise you with on the whole process, even with on the problems that might appear once the project is up and running. We can deliver an accurate report about the South African mobile market, containing a number of users, numbers of daily calls, and daily internet package use.

AF: The report concerning the actual deals with SANphone should just be just a part of the extended report on the South African mobile market. It should contain a sales journal, demand analysis for the previous five years. We want you to attach detailed finance data. Also, I’d like to see the estimated costs of the implementation of the new network.

MA: We are much obliged. We appreciate your declaration of support during the whole operation. We would like to know why the government previously refused a foreign operator. Could you deliver us an analysis of this topic issue? We want to know how to avoid their refusal.

TZ: We know the previous situation with the government refusing foreign operators. Getting precise information about why the deal didn’t work and extending the report is do-able. Leave it with me. I’ll see what I can do.

AF: It is always good doing business with you. Please, put it all in writing. Another important question is what composition of the kind of consulting consultant group do you provide?

CP: This project is set on a very large scale so the core team should consist of at least 20 senior consultants to take care of about 100 junior consultants. This way one senior consultant will lead a team of subordinates of 5 junior consultants. In these small teams, everyone can divide their tasks, and each team will have a responsibility to complete them in a set time.

MA: We prefer to work with senior consultants. Only they will be authorized to discuss the whole project with our team. Junior consultants could be detached delegated to do some tasks, but it depends on you. All we require is the job to be done to the highest standards.

TZ: Consider it a deal. Maybe we could talk a little about terms of payment at this point? Our experts have calculated the total cost of consulting this extensive project to be $2 billion. The set price is not negotiable and the Heitinga T-com Consulting company will not take any responsibility for aborting the project if the deal is not set right.

AF: We can pay the fee once the project is finished. However, it has to be preceded by proper hard data. You have to ensure that the project will be delivered on time, within budget, and to performance. All details will be refined supplied/set out/discussed at further meetings.

CP: The last issue is that the name partner of our Company - Mr Heitinga is not available at the moment. However, we have been given full authorization from him. We attach the document that Mr Heitinga signed.

MA: I insist on meeting Mr Heitinga personally because I want to feel that all of your company is engaged in this project. We can set a date for the meeting to sign the papers due to not delaying in order not to delay our negotiations.

CP: As I have mentioned, Mr Heitinga is currently not currently able to attend the meeting for this project. He has entrusted me and Tymoteusz in this case. We are fully capable of answering all your questions and have full power over signing all the important documents. We can arrange a meeting in order to dispel all your doubts about our cooperation. With this accent, I must end today’s negotiations and bid a farewell to all of you.

AF: Please, try to get in touch with Mr Heitinga to set up the business meeting. In case of further questions, contact us by this designed e-mail address. I’ll wait to hear from you, then.


This report is to present the outcome of the negotiations between the representatives of Heitinga T-com Consulting and Bajaj-tel held in Gdansk on 6.10.2020.

The following terms of the contract have been agreed on:

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting is obliged to start the early stages of the project at the same time as negotiations with the government,

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting will share the list with the industries that they have been negotiating with the government for, (This is not clear.)

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting will deliver the extended report on the South African mobile market including the actual deals with SANphone, a sales journal, demand the required (?) analysis for the previous five years, detailed financial data, the estimated costs of the implementation of the new network, a the number of users, numbers of daily calls, and daily internet package use,

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting will get precise information about foreign operator’s projects previously refused,

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting team will contain consist of at least 20 senior consultants and 100 junior consultants, but only senior consultants can discuss details with Bajaj-tel representatives,

  • the total cost of consulting the project is $2 billion paid once the project is finished, the exact term will be designated at the next meeting,

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting company will not take any responsibility for aborting the project if the deal is not set right.

The work is well done.
Language of negotiations: 8 (not sufficient with reference to the textbook, p. 79; in fact you have hardly used this language)
Grammar+spelling: 17
Solution: 8 (the highlighted fragments are not clear)
Marks: 33/40