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Heitinga T-com Consulting 

Senior Partner - Justyna Borwik

Junior Consultant - Weronika Kubińska


Chief of Finance - Michał Jakubiak

Manager -  Jakub Kucharek


Weronika: Good morning. We’ve gathered here today to discuss the details of the Bajaj-tel project in South Africa. In At the beginning, we have to point out certain difficulties, which may cause some problems. One of them and in our opinion the most dangerous one is the possibility of regulatory objectives of the government and on these grounds, they can reject the other operators than South African Sanphone and block our project. That’s why it’s crucial to convince the government before taking any other/further actions. Also, many foreign operations want to set up their networks in Africa, so wide competition is another obstacle to go through overcome.

Justyna: We are also concerned about having too little time (only 12 months) to enter the market, which may be a really extensive process, among others caused by a strong chance the high possibility of slow negotiations with the government. I have estimated that the project would take 18 months from the research stage to the implementation of the new network.

Michał: In my opinion, you have made a very accurate study of the African market, so my question is, have you been involved in similar projects before? I am asking because the crucial thing for our company is time, we would like to shorten the introduction of our project to 12 months. Maybe you can offer us some case study with the comprehensive data and details attached?

Jakub: We have the team of great/experienced/expert lawyers so we can help with the negotiations, we are prepared and able to allocate additional funds to finish those as fast as possible. The most important thing for us is to introduce the project in 12 months. Can you ensure that with the help of your team?

Justyna: We have never participated in such a large project, but we want to show our full commitment and achieve the set goals together. In terms of time, we think negotiations with the government can take some time. We can’t offer you a case study but we can deliver an in-depth feasibility study and a report on the South African mobile market, especially a report on South African Sanphone, which is very competitive and in our opinion you should gather some information about it before negotiating. Also, if you’d be interested we could provide an advisory role once a the project is up and running.

Weronika: I fully understand your worries but I can assure you that our team is created made up from specialists and professionals of the highest level. Also, we truly appreciate your help with the government issue and it should solve the time problem.

Jakub: Good to hear, I hope that with our power connected we won’t have the problem that other companies have with the government. Can you tell us what is your solution is to get over the problems of foreign operators with the authorities?

Justyna: I think that should be do-able. As I’ve mentioned before we have an extensive report on the South African mobile market, according to that information and with a strong team we have prepared a strategy that will definitely solve the struggle.

Jakub: Oh... I was just about to ask about that. Research and data is the key to success!

Justyna: Now we should focus on selecting the team as its members will play a major role in the success of this project. I advise you to pick around 40 junior consultants and 5 senior partners.

Michał: Generally, I don’t mind working with junior consultants, but our CEO thinks that they tend to be young and inexperienced, so we would prefer to work only with senior consultants.

Weronika: Sorry, but I have to speak on the behalf of the junior consultants, as I am the one and I can assure you that this is actually what you need the most. Maybe we are less experienced than senior consultants but we are full of energy, new ideas and willingness to evolve develop. We are the ones who will work long night hours to keep the work afloat and this will be needed in this project for sure.

Michał: I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, I think that in this matter we are able to convince our CEO to change his decision.

Justyna: If it’s all clear for now, I suggest that we could go to the fees negotiation part. We will charge an hourly rate of US 200 $ for the feasibility study and any future meetings we will have.

Jakub: The rate that we established for today was US $120, but after all the details and facts you gave us we are ready to raise it, we would like only a little more specific information and your grounds of for such a fee height.

Weronika: We have calculated the cost on this high level for some reasons, as this project requires an extremely high level of our absolute/full commitment and the best resources that we possess. That is the reason why we cannot agree with to such a difference to our offer.

Michał: In that case, we can offer US $160 per hour and what we require is a guarantee from your CEO that we you will make it within a predetermined period.

Justyna: We have been given authority to negotiate from for Mr Heitinga, but if you insist we can contact him in the near future and propose another date of the meeting. Although we are inclined to accept your offer if you will obligate yourself to cooperate with us on future projects in the African region.

Jakub: I guess, we can consider it a deal. In the next meeting, Mr Bajaj will confirm it himself and we will be able to get down to work. It’s good doing business with you.
Justyna: We recommend ourselves our service for the future. If you need any more information email me.

Michał: Thank you for this fruitful meeting. I hope that we will be able to achieve this goal together

This report is to present the outcome of negotiations between the representatives of Bajaj-tel and Heitinga T-Com Consulting, held in Gdansk on 15.11.2020.

The following terms of the contract have been agreed on:

  • The project will take 12 months.

  • Bajaj promised the help of its lawyers to negotiate with the government.

  • The project will need 40 junior consultants and 5 senior partners.

  • An hourly rate will be US $160 per hour.

  • In case of any other projects in the Africa region Bajaj-tel promised to cooperate with Heiinga T-Com Consulting 

  • Heitinga T-Com Consulting will deliver the strategy based on the extended report about the South African mobile market.


The work is really well done. Negotiations sound professional. Congratulations. :)))
Language of negotiations: 10
Grammar+spelling: 20
Solution: 10

Marks: 40/40