Wiki 5

Celina Pawłowska - Chief Executive of Bajaj-tel 

Aleksandra Bartkowska - Chief of Finance in Bajaj-tel

Błażej Borowiecki - Senior partner at Heitinga T-com Consulting

Michał Żmudowski - Junior consultant at Heitinga T-com Consulting

: Welcome to our fist meeting, I am Błażej Borowiecki, Senior partner at Heitinga T-com Consulting, and on my left - Michał Żmudowski, Junior consultant at our consulting group. I would like to inform you that we have made a preliminary analysis of the South African telecom and network market. Several problems stand in our way. The largest of these is the government whose regulatory objections connected with the presence of the national champion on this market - SANphone, can slow us down.

 MŻ: When we made many analyses and simulations of the expected time for our project, we observed that entering the market in 12 months’ time is impossible. In Every project could be involve some unpredictable risk. Like Błażej Borowiecki said, government regulatory objections are the biggest problem for us. However, we have to remember about other obstacles/difficulties  problems, which can be in our way to success. We estimate that 18 months is sufficient/realistic time which we need to work from the research stage to the implementation of the new network.

 CP: Due to the extensive experience of your company in similar projects, we trust that all of your analyses and simulations show the actual state of affairs. Therefore, we agree to extend the project duration. However, 18 months is definitely too long. The maximum time that our company can accept is 14 months.

 AB: To be honest I have some concerns about the government. From what I have heard in the past there were some problems when an outside company wanted to enter your market. And the main reason for that was the government. How do you want to convince them this time? Moreover, my colleague believes in your experience with similar projects, but do you have any reports of how it go successfully they went/were carried out?

 BB: That is true, the South African telecom market is highly competitive. The government is trying to protect the largest South African company SANphone with numerous regulations, but we believe that we are able to reach a consensus that will satisfy you, that should be do-able. You must also be aware of the high competition in the market. More and more companies want to take over the telecom market in our country.  

 MŻ: Heitinga T-com Consulting is a trustworthy company and we have experience in the telecommunications sector. In our team we have many experienced/expert specialists, whose work is reliable and they are guaranteed to do their best to succeed and help our partners. If we sign an agreement, we will have a clause that we are responsible for failure to comply with the contract. However you shouldn’t worry that it will happen. We have no legal option permission to show you our reports from cooperation with our partners, well your reports will save. (??)

 CP: Mr Żmudowski, we understand that the data from your cooperations are confidential. Mr Borowiecki, like you said, competition on this market is high, so it is vital to know who is our competitor is. We would like to receive from you an in-depth report describing that topic. Additionally, my colleague will present to you our financial requirements in a moment, but I have got one question. Who do you plan to assign to the working team? I must admit that we expect to work with people with extensive experience who will be able to cope with such a demanding topic. issue.

 AB: Of course, we are aware that more experienced staff is are associated with a higher cost, but we are willing to accept it. Especially that you noticed it is a very competitive sector and both of the sides want to achieve success. That is why I would like to know precisely which rank and how many people are you are able to associate delegate to handle/deal with our case. Apart from the staff, how do you plan to implement it? What will be the milestones be?

 BB: When it comes to the resources allocated to the task - your order is a very large project that will most likely consume most of our human resources in the company. We are ready to allocate 60 employees for this purpose, 10 of which are senior consultants working in 6 specialized core teams with junior consultants. Each group will have a detailed scope of activities, thanks to which we are able to optimize the process of project implementation. We believe that this division of labour is appropriate in this case. Our experienced senior consultants will be able to perform their duties within the specified time frame.

Next I would like to present our payment proposal. As we have already stated together, the time-frame for the project will be very timed tight and requires the most professional approach. Heitinga T-com consulting group offers the best solutions as the most respected consulting company in South Africa. Therefore, our experts estimated that the cost of carrying out the project should be $1.4 billion, and we prefer it to be an overall fee on completion of the project. We are open to suggestions for changes, but we reserve that any changes to the remuneration may affect the final quality of the audit.

Now, Mr. Żmudowski will tell you a few words about the conditions for implementing our ideas, milestones, and will answer your question about reports, Mrs. Pawłowska.

 MŻ: Mrs. Pawłowska, in response to your question about the reports, we will prepare for you a report describing high competition in the market. We need time to do it, well I can give it to you it in the next our meeting. Maybe a better option to talk now about our ideas and milestones is to prepare it present/prepare them visually graphically and written write out in file in MS Project. Do you agree or do you want to talk about it now?

 AB: Mr Błażej of course I understand that money is a crucial point in every contract and all of us want to talk about this at the beginning. Nevertheless first I would love to see your implementation plan of implementing and the report of the predicted costs. Without the full knowledge about these aspects I cannot accept or decline this amount. But if you could deliver these documents to in/before the next meeting or send it to our company via email, we can talk about this next time we meet. For now we can talk about the consultancy’s fee. I offer you US $150 per hour, but as always the sum is negotiable.

 CP: I agree that the exact description of the milestones should be done properly, also discussing them takes time. Writing those out in MS Project is a good thought, but we would like to receive it everything by mail before our second meeting to analyze it previously. Anyway, we have another meeting soon. I think that is time to summarize our arrangements.

 BB: Referring to the answers about the reports and milestones - all the information will be compiled and sent to you before our next meeting. Mrs. Bartkowska, the $1.4 billion figure also includes the hourly fee. As I said, we prefer a one-off payment, but we will discuss this question with our supervisor, Mr Heitinga. A detailed financial analysis will be presented in the financial report which we will provide to you shortly. I can assure you that with the confirmation of the terms of cooperation at the next meeting, we will immediately start working on the project.

 AB: I completely understand. Our company also prefers the one-off payment, so it’s not a problem. But as I said, this is the only information I can present to you at this moment, right now because the rest of the costs need to be analyzed. Therefore, we can talk about this at the next meeting. Do you have any more questions?

 BB: I think that’s all for now. Mr. Żmudowski will make a list of preliminary findings after today’s meeting. Please read it at your leisure. It’s good doing business with you.

 CP: Hope that our cooperation will be successful. We will be waiting for your analysis of the market and a the plan of implementing of our project. Thank you for a the meeting. 


 This report is to present the outcome of the negotiations between the representatives of Bajaj-tel and Heitinga T-com Consulting, held in Gdańsk on 16.11.2020.

 The following terms of contract have been agreed on:

  • project will be paid by one-off payment

  • project will be 18 months long

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting will send the report of predicted cost and projects implementation plan to Bajaj- Tel before next meeting

  • 60 people will be working on a the project

  • confidentiality clause will be signed

  • in case of failure of the project, Heitinga T-com colnsunting undertakes to give money back to Bajaj-Tel
The work is well done.Congratulations.You deal well with this challenge. :))
Language of negotiations: 10
Grammar+spelling: 16
Solution: 10

Marks: 36/40