Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z urządzeniami i systemami wbudowanymi czasu rzeczywistego w warunkach środowiskowych zgodnych z ich  przeznaczeniem. 

Kurs będzie wykorzystywany jako narzędzie pomocnicze do realizacji projektu badawczego w KSiSR

Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów z urządzeniami i systemami wbudowanymi czasu rzeczywistego w warunkach środowiskowych zgodnych z ich  przeznaczeniem. 

Zajęcia projektowe z przedmiotu "Oprogramowanie systemów elektronicznych" dla 2 semestru studiów II stopnia, podstawowe dla KSE, uzupełniające dla OPTO, obieralne dla reszty specjalności.

The purpose of the course:

Learning principle of operation of different electronic infosystems, covering various industrial and comercial applications of electronics.

For students of what course/degree of study the course is intended:

Subject taught in the second degree studies.
Mandatory for the specialty "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" and "Computer Electronic Systems" in the field of Electronics.
Elected for the specialty "Automation and Robotics" and "Radio Communication Systems and Networks" in the field of Electronics.
Elected for the specialty of "Distributed Applications and Internet Systems" in the field of Information Technology.

The purpose of the course:

Programming of measurement equipment, control of PC interfaces, learning methods of increasing software efficiency (Win32 API, DLL, ODBC), multithread applications design.

For students of what course/degree of study the course is intended:

Subject taught in the second degree studies.
Mandatory for the specialty "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" and "Computer Electronic Systems" in the field of Electronics.
Elected for the specialty "Automation and Robotics" and "Radio Communication Systems and Networks" in the field of Electronics.
Elected for the specialty of "Distributed Applications and Internet Systems" in the field of Information Technology.

Współczesne Aplikacje Programowania Funkcyjnego

studia 2 stopnia, specjalność Technologie Internetowe i Algorytmy

WETI, Informatyka

Krzysztof Manuszewski

UP/PD 2023

The course of Peripheral Devices and its Polish version Urządzenia Peryferyjne is intended for second level students of the specialty Computer Electronic Systems. The subject of the course are various issues related to peripheral devices of computer systems, mainly enabling human-computer communication, and also prototyping and basic elements.

The purpose of the course:

Learning principle of operation of different electronic infosystems, covering various industrial and comercial applications of electronics.

For students of what course/degree of study the course is intended:

Subject taught in the second degree studies.
Mandatory for the specialty "Komputerowe Systemy Elektroniczne" and "Computer Electronic Systems" in the field of Electronics.
Elected for the specialty "Automation and Robotics" and "Radio Communication Systems and Networks" in the field of Electronics.
Elected for the specialty of "Distributed Applications and Internet Systems" in the field of Information Technology.


semestr 2, II stopień studiów.

Projekt Badawczy/Grupowy - spotkania