Course content:

Basic information on the structure of the power system, the major devices (components) for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

Active and reactive power generation and their sources.

Power supply networks. Tasks, structure, parameters. AC and DC transmission of electricity. Equivalent diagrams of the components of the power system.

Steady state load flow calculation: currents, voltage, power, losses

Short circuits in the power system: short circuit current calculation for symetrical faults

Frequency and voltage control in the power system

Fundamentals of elektromechanical energy conversion. Bachelor/Engineer in Energy Technologies, 4th semester, undergraduate, full-time.

Introduction and analysis of fundamental electronic components, circuits and applications.

Course content:

Basic information on the structure of the power system, the major devices (components) for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

Active and reactive power generation and their sources.

Power supply networks. Tasks, structure, parameters. AC and DC transmission of electricity. Equivalent diagrams of the components of the power system.

Steady state load flow calculation: currents, voltage, power, losses

Short circuits in the power system: short circuit current calculation for symetrical faults

Frequency and voltage control in the power system

Course content:

Basic information on the structure of the power system, the major devices (components) for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

Active and reactive power generation and their sources.

Power supply networks. Tasks, structure, parameters. AC and DC transmission of electricity. Equivalent diagrams of the components of the power system.

Steady state load flow calculation: currents, voltage, power, losses

Short circuits in the power system: short circuit current calculation for symetrical faults

Frequency and voltage control in the power system