Is this semester going to be less stresfull than the previous one? I think, it's a tough question. We've already had an on-line classes, that's true, but is that make us more confident in this semester? I don't think so. First of all, we've already known how all those things work: classes, zooms, MS Teams, on-line tests. We can easily find thing that we need on the internet and pages such as enauczanie. It has also taught us how to work alone. Moreover stress connected to tests, exams is lower, becuase most of them are online. You can focus on your answers, there is no one to distract you. Finally we got used to cameras and microphones. We seem to have no troubles using them and that's great. On-line classes have thaught us a lot, there's no doubt. On the other hand having on-line classes durig 7th semester is not what we expected to see . Furthermore having on-line consultation about your BSc Thesis is sometimes messy and doesn't meet your expectations. Talking face-to-face is always better than texting, e-mailing and calling, and I think that all of you agree with me. You have clear information and everything is more understandable, that's for sure. But under this circumstances I understand that, there is no different way of having classes. We have to focus on work and don't stress out. We have to make stess into something helpful like the speaker in TED's Talk said. I think, that's our only solution to deal with this on-line semester.