how to deal with stress

how to deal with stress

Napisane przez: Celina Pawłowska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

We all know that stress is always in some kind way related with to studying. Every speech in front of the class always makes us nervous and anxious. But now it is way more harder. In From my persoanl expirience talking through on the internet using a camera and microphone makes the situation even more thougher, because even if your colleagues sit thousands of kilometers away, they see you better through the camera so everyone is actually nearer then ever. But let’s not talk about how terryfing terrifying this thing is, but about dealing with it.

Thanks to the TED lecture we can now try to treat stress as an energy drink. In stressful situations during online lectures just take two deep breathes breaths and think that thanks to your stress sympthoms you can act more efficiently. Is It is good to remember that every one of us sitting in front of the computer feels the same fear and anxiety. We are all in this together, which is great to realize, because feeling connection with others makes us more confident and calm, which is so important in this online semester.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano sobota, 10.10.2020, 18:33 )

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