How am I gonna survive

How am I gonna survive

Napisane przez: Jakub Kucharek ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

Last semester was really uncommon as the lockdown hit us in the middle of the school year and people all over the world had to deal with it. The logistic problems with the reorganization of life were had been multiplying all the time but we somehow did it. Although we could work and learn from home it was something new and hard, especially for extroverts. 

In my opinion this semester looks much more easier. We know what awaits us, we experienced this by ourself ourselves a few months ago. We had stable systems and procesess. Both we as students and teachers know how we work in this these extreme conditions and are getting better and better with it. 

I think I have three simply simple tips for me myself (and maybe for you too).

Organisation, keeping deadlines.

Care for the body and mental health - for me, it's developing in my hobbies, playing the piano, reading books and watching films, riding a bike and hiking.

Make friends with stress.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 11.10.2020, 21:40 )

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