2020/2021 - Winter semester - advice

2020/2021 - Winter semester - advice

by Michał Żmudowski -
Number of replies: 0

Past semester was a sensation for everybody. We had never had a situation, that we had to change our teaching mode from total stationary to completely remote. It was a challenge for everybody, for students, academic teachers, administration, university authorities and others. Unimaginable problem for the whole community of the Gdańsk University of Technology. We had to adjust to these unpredictable changes.

We can observe in the current semester that some changes were introduced compared to past semester. We have hybrid activities and for example I go to university once a week and rest of the week spend in the house in remote activities.

This problem is an impediment for many of us. However, we should think about it not as a problem but as a challenge and valuable lesson. We can learn how to organise remote work and learn about new technological possibilities. We improve our time management skills. 

It was a very hard time for me, because I had to organize my time for my university activities, my duties in the Students Government of Gdańsk University of Technology (SSPG) and house chores. I had to put somewhere my free time between many duties, because like everybody I need it. The beginning was difficult but later it was easier. Treating this situation as a challenge and good time management was very helpful for me. I used for example excel and trello to facilitate work with mates from SSPG. Something simple like sticky notes was very useful for me, because I had something that helped me remember about some important elements in my schedule. Free time and rest in it helped me too, because anybody can’t work all time without any breaks. Efficiency of that person, who worked all time, is very low. The most important for me was good time management and thinking about this problem as a challenge.


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