How to deal with stress

How to deal with stress

Napisane przez: Aleksandra Bartkowska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0


COVID-19 has changed the life of everyone. And as we know all of the changes in our lives make us stressed out. But stress can be a good thing. Sometimes it makes you paralyzed, hopeless, but what most people don’t know is that a hormone responsible for that feeling, prepares you for everything that is coming. That is why we should consider this situation as an opportunity. Not only it prepares us for what we don't expect, but it teaches us how to deal with this. The first thing is to try to talk to our friends and family because the presence of people who are close to us can improve our mood and their advice might change our point of view. Unfortunately during this time, it is dangerous to meet people who are close to us, that's why it might be better to call them through video-chat or use other types of communication. Moreover, try to think about activities that make you happy and relaxed. Then try to focus more on these things instead of procrastination. You don't have to make radical changes. Remember that even small progress is still progress. And the last but not the least is to try to stay positive. It might seem silly and sometimes even impossible but just the way you think may change a lot of things. 

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