Selecting your employer

Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Klaudia Ryś ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 14

In my personal opinion, the most important criteria when deciding what sort of organisation to work for are:

1. Career opportuninies - I think that an opportunity to grow and develop is crucial in work. I don't see myself being satisfied with staying on the same position and doing the same tasks for years. I would highly appreciate having a path that I could follow, offering me new challenges and chances to go out of my comfort zone.

2. Training and development - This would make climbing the company's ladder possible. Learning and acquiring new skills causes growth and I would highly appreciate employer's help, motivation and belief in me.

3. Ethics - I would have to consider the company's ethics, because all the development opportunities or even money would not mean much to me if working in said enterprise was not coherent with my views. 

The criterium I would consider the least is Alumni programme. I don't think it's unnecessary, because I see how it could be very helpful in a situation of exemption or quitting work. However, it wouldn't have a big influence on my decision. I would manage with or without it.

192 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Aleksandra Sztrajt ()
In my opinion, the most important criteria for selecting an organisation to work for are:
1. Career opportunities- This is the most important thing in at work. Without a doubt. It's the first thing I would look at when choosing a job. I have to be satisfied with my work and with the opportunities to expand my potential thanks to it.
2. Perks and privileges- The work is not the most important thing in the world. If we don't have someone who will/can take care of our child, we can't go to work. That's why child care and health care for example are also important.
3. Performance related pay- This is very motivating. When you know you can get a performance-related bonus , you want to work more and you care more about your results.
The least important criteria criterion in my opinion is the alumni programme. It would never affect my decision. Maybe it is helpful for the company but it is definitely not important for me.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano piątek, 16.10.2020, 17:34 )

178 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Martika Kisiel ()
Considering which criteria for choosing a workplace are the most important for me, I opt for:
1. Training and development - From the current point of view it is necessary to get a new knowledge or train practise/improve on an what you have acquired one.  I can't imagine taking a job where I won't learn anything new and do just one activity.
2. Career opportunities - It could compete with training and development. Seeing the possibility of an upgrade promotion is the best motivator for me. We all dream about a developing job and I hope it will come true for me.
3. International assignments - For now, it was a quick choice, because as a young person I would like to sightsee visit lots of places all around the world. However, I know it will change in the future into perks and privileges or a career break because my priorities will change too.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano sobota, 17.10.2020, 14:59 )

162 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Wiktoria Znaczko ()
From my personal standpoint, the most important criteria for selecting an organization to work for are:
1- Performance-related pay: the most motivating factor for me to perform tasks would be financial bonuses. It's a motivator that encourages employees to make the best result of tasks. Financial bonuses would be an important determinant for me because, thanks to them, I could pursue my own, not related to work passions.
2- Career opportunities: I would be looking for a job that would allow me to expand my potential. A development path with the possibility of promotion and expanding knowledge and competencies would motivate me to achieve new goals.
3- Ethics: It is very important to me to fulfill my job responsibilities that are consistent with my worldview and conscience. A high salary would not compensate for the pangs of conscience I would have had when I was carrying out tasks that, in my opinion, were wrong.
The least important factor when choosing a job would be the alumni programme. I would not take this factor into account if I was choosing a place to work. Certainly, it would not be crucial for me in any way. I don't care whether the company I worked for still has any contact with me or not.

211 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Szymon Skrzeczkowski ()
From my point of view, three most important criteria I would consider while selecting an organisation to work for are:
1. Career opportunities - For me this is the most important aspect of your job. I don't like to stay in the same place doing the same things, I feel the need to move on, expand my skills as much as i can and climb the career ladder.

2. Training and development - Learning new things and gaining more knowledge is also very important and motivating for me. With skills learned on trainings you can improve your work, feel more important and worth for the company and get some benefits.

3. Ethics - I would like to work in a job that I feel comfortable about my views and beliefs, where I don't need to worry about making decisions or doing tasks that are contrary to my conscience, arguing with other employees and stress out.

The least important criterion is alumni programme. Maybe that is because I have never met with anything like that but i don't think it would affect my decision, I don't feel the need to keep in touch with company that I no longer work for.

197 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Patryk Pietniun ()
In my view, the most important criteria for selecting an organisation to work for are:
1. Ethics: the set of values, moral principles, and standards are the most important thing in work. I would never work in a place where someone is taking credit for my hard work or lie to me.
2. Performance related pay: It's obvious that if you work hard you deserve to get a higher salary. It's one of the reasons people go to work, to get paid. The company that appreciates their workers and their work is the one I would definitely work for.
3. International assignments; It's an important aspect for me because I like travelling a lot. The company that gives you an opportunity to work abroad helps you to expand your potential.
The least important criteria criterion is the alumni programme. This one is completly unnecessary. I don't think that keeping in touch with ex-wrokers is a good idea. Even when I think about my previous workplaces, I don't keep in touch with any of my bosses.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 18.10.2020, 13:05 )

185 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Bartosz Paliński ()
In my personal opinion, the most important criteria when deciding what organization to work for are:
1. Career opportunities – In my opinion, that’s one of the most important thing while choosing a job. An opportunity to develop our skills and expand our potential should be important not only for us, but also for our employee. The more we develop our potential, the more benefits we can bring to the company. I would be very satisfy if I could follow my own path at the company and getting promoted by a manager for my progress.
2. Performance related pay – An opportunities to get bonuses, pay rises and additional privileges are also very important. Those extra money that we earn could be spent on self-development or holidays to rest and gain more motivation to work
3. Training and development – We can expand our potential by acquiring new useful skills. Setting new goals can help us to be a high achiever. Furthermore, trainings can help us feel more attached to the organization.
I would consider alumni programme as the least criterium. In my opinion it is not unnecessary while deciding what sort of organization to work for. The fact that I have left the job, or worse, I was fired make me feel like I’m not tied to the company enough to come back again.

222 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Adam Śliwiński ()
Career opportunities- In my opinion it is the most important aspect. Especially for the long term period we should have a chance to develop our skills and have opportunity to climb the career ladder. Repeating the same tasks for years especially when we are young make no sense for me.
Training and development- this aspect is crucial for me because it would allow me to acquire knowledge and learn new skills which can help me climb the career ladder as well as raising chance of getting better job in the future. Especially courses for certain work or computer application can lead to better performance in the company.
Perks and privileges- despite the work it is important for me to have other benefits like sport facilities during breaks from the job. It is healthy for the body and mind to reset yourself and spend time with your colleagues in the canteen or playing sports.
The least important for me is alumni programme. When I’m looking for a job I never take into consideration if company has contact with previous workers or will they have contact with me after I leave the company

191 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Tomasz Maciejewski ()
From my point of view, three most important criteria for choosing an organization to work for are training and development, performance related pay and career opportunities. If I had to rank them, the most important for me is training and development, because gaining new skills is really needed these days. It can also reveal that we are actually better in different field. In the second place I would put performance related pay aspect, because this system can not only improve employees results but also give them a chance to decide if they really want to work hard only because of earnings. The third most important aspect is career opportunities, because it’s always good to see a promotion opportunity which is related to pay rise. The least important criteria is alumni programme, because I don’t see that keeping contact with former employees is necessary.

143 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Justyna Niezgodzińska ()
An average person is working works 8 hours every day, so finding a company which meets our expectations is important. For me the most important is performance related pay, ethics and perks and privileges.
Firstly, I want to work for an organisations which where performance is related to the pay. In this way, I have a clearly defined goal that I must achieve. It motivates me to work and I am more effective.
Secondly, I couldn’t work for a company which does not run business ethically. I am vegan. If the company is not cruelty free I will not work for them. I know that I couldn’t give my best to the company and be a more efficient worker. It would be hypocrisy. In the morning I would help a company which uses animals to make profit and after work I will go on to protest/to a demonstration.
The last but not the least important perks and privileges like are workspace sport facilities and medical healthcare. I think a company should take care of their workers. It shows that they don’t treat people like machines. What is more, it shows that companies want to support workers' lives after work.
The other side's On the other hand, international assignments are not so important for me. I don’t want to work abroad, because I like being close to my family.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 18.10.2020, 23:11 )

239 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Antoni Klebba ()
In my opinion three most important criteria for selecting an organization to work for are:
1. Career opportunities - Working in the same environment, doing the same things over and over again and for the same salary for many years is in my personal opinion one of the biggest disbenefits of a job. This kind of stagnation in my case would lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. Because of that well developed career opportunities is the most important criteria. criterion.
2. Performance related pay - I am a kind of man who highly prefer values performance related pay. This model of a salary gives me motivation to work and hence the work gives me more joy.
3. Ethics - In long term ethics seems to be more important to me than a high salary. It is very important to know that you as a employee are helping your company to change the world for the better.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 19.10.2020, 10:58 )

162 słów

W odpowiedzi na Antoni Klebba

Re: Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Marta Kuklińska ()
As far as I am concerned, the most important criteria which I appreciate from organisation to work for are below:

Training and development: sometimes its hard to state, that this one certain company is a place where you want to develop a career, that’s why attending in various training offering you by your company could give you the opportunity to find your path and gain some skills which could help you to boost your career.
International assignments: it’s a great solution for people wanting to expand their horizons. During working abroad you have the opportunity to get to know the other culture and take another challenge. The strong value of these criteria is also flexibility.
Ethics- it’s important to me to work in an environment having values I can identify myself. A company with strong work ethics and culture influent positive not only for the employees but also for another part of business chains.

The less important for me is the alumni programme. I could see some benefits form keeping in touch with well-skilled and experienced people, but it is not necessary for me to have a programme like this in the company I work in.

196 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Martyna Raczkowska ()
In my opinion, the most important factor determining the value of an organization are career opportunities. One of the basic human needs is self-development, so a natural feeling is the desire to climb the career ladder and the vision of promotion. Thanks to such chances, we have the opportunity to constantly learn and push forward, and thus - we try to do the work entrusted to us better.
Another important aspect is the employer's provision of training and development. Firstly, it is good to feel that your employer cares about your development and believes in you. In addition, it gives great opportunities to acquire new skills, which in turn allows you to earn more money or get a promotion.
And last but not least - perks and privileges in my opinion are very motivating amenities. Thanks to the use of such solutions, we feel more free and more comfortable at work. This helps to reduce stress and appreciate your organisation.
The least significant factor for me is the alumni program, because I have never really wanted to stay in touch with my previous employers and I believe that the company should not feel the need to do so.

196 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Kacper Drewko ()
Listed below are crtiterias that are, in my humble opinion, the most important ones when deciding what sort of organization to work for:

1. Training and development - I think it's a great idea to acquire new skills and get useful knowledge, especially when it's on employers cost. During courses a person can learn new things as well as develop their current skills, which might be very helpful in current workplace or maybe a new one in the future.

2. Perks and privileges - it's also a very important aspect, from my point of view, as any additional aspects that you can get from your workplace are greatly appreciated and a fact that you don't have to pay for health care or can spend some time inside a workplace sports facility and probably get to know your colleagues better is just a major pro when choosing a job between those with similar payment conditions.

3. International assignments - the last one that I concidered very important as I find opportunities to travel the world, visit new places and get to know different cultures and people very attractive when it comes to deciding on your workplace.

The ones that I concider the least important are:
- career breaks as on regular conditions a person has a lot of off days to use and in critical situations the are different regulations that allow longer leaves
- alumni programme, because it is a very rare situation when a person stays in one workplace for a long period of time and creates bonds with many different people that they would like to meet together in one moment in future and keep contact with the company.

276 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Selecting your employer

Napisane przez: Filip Struczyński ()
In my opinion, the most important criteria when deciding which organization to work in for are:
1. Performance related pay - valuing money for efforts at work is very important in my opinion, because it motivates us to work harder, which makes our results better and gives satisfaction.
2. Career opportuninies - I believe that the possibility of development is very important at work, professional training, promotion, broadening your skills are what, in my opinion, is decisive when choosing a job.
3. Ethics - working on the basis of fair play, making friends and having good contact with the team is very important, working in a good atmosphere is more effective :).
The least important criteria criterion in my opinion is the alumni program. It certainly won't influence my decision, maybe it helps the company, but it doesn't matter to me.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 19.10.2020, 21:06 )

147 słów