The way we work

The way we work

Napisane przez: Izabela Król ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

In my opinion the nature of human being is stability. We really would like to know how our life will go on – by learning we try to work by ourselves to have a good paid job to  financially support our families. We also really like plan our holidays, weekend spending out of the town, next steps of our carrier to keep our lives under control. This is the way we work. We don’t like changes, because they force us to adapt to the new situations and circumstances. There are only a small group of people how have a courage to give up everything and really and truly live the moment.

But we can also try to fight with our nature and think about the ways how the resistance to change can be overcome. One of the possibilities is to fully understand the reason of change and why it is so important to implement it. When we start thinking about the new reality in a way: how will it help us and what benefits can we acquire – it can make us aware of new possibilities we can achieve and our attitude may change. It is important to keep eyes open and treat every obstacle as a chance to develop.

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