Co-responsibility as a way for changes

Co-responsibility as a way for changes

Napisane przez: Aleksandra Bartkowska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

At some point, every company, that wants to achieve more has to make some changes. To do this the best way is to hire a consultant who analyses the way the company works and comes up with new ideas for improvements. For this to work changes has to be made on every level, which is really difficult for some companies. Why is that? First thing is that people are mostly afraid of the unknown, they prefer to stick to old habits and do everything the same way as it was. That's why it's so important for all the employees to work together. How do this? The crucial aspect is to talk to them and explain why the company needs these changes and how can they benefit not only the business but also the employees itself. At this time they can ask questions and say what they think about this. Listening to their opinions and ideas, considering them, make them feel more co-responsible for changes. And this is going to differ their view on new improvements. Why? Because if we are an active part of something, it makes us more connected to it. And as a result, we are becoming more willing to cooperate and work for good of the workplace. Let's remember that the world is constantly changing, evolving, and we also have to do this. Not only in private life, but also at work.

235 słów