Valued practices

Valued practices

Napisane przez: Klaudia Ryś ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 22

In order to stay motivated and loyal to a company, the bare minimum I would expect my employer to do is to treat me well and equal to him and other employees. I would highly appreciate having my own office, or one shared with maximum two colleagues. Free snacks and subsidised cafes would surely make working days easier and more enjoyable. The employer offering spaces to help me grow (such as sports facilities), not only in job, but as a person, would be outstanding. It would make me believe that the company truly cares about my development and well-being. Similarly if it would offer child care, early schooling, healthcare center - it would definitely reassure me in thinking that me and my family are taken care of by the company.

The most important factors for me are:

- the bare minimum, which is being respectful and treating everyone equally, which I think does not need any further explanation;

- offering spaces for self-development, because I believe growing as a person is one of the most crucial things in life;

- company's healthcare center, as it would make procedures much easier and quicker in case of disease;

- my own office (or an office shared with max. 2 people), because it would help me focus and therefore become more efficient. 

214 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Kacper Drewko ()
There are many different forms of practices that I would expect from my potential employer to motivate me to join their company and retain there.

The first and the most important one is the chemistry and relations inside a company. I definitely look forward to work in a firm, which employees have good relations between each other, but also managers and directors don’t look down and have a friendly and down-to-earth attitude toward other employees. Such events as employee meetings or integration trips are in my opinion very important in building relations with your colleagues.

The other aspect are subsidised elements such as food, sport facilities or child-care. It would be much appreciated when I wouldn’t have to worry about preparing meals for work, because those would be waiting for me warm in workplace; when I could do some sports after work to let the stress out and spend some extra time with my colleagues or when I wouldn’t have to worry about child-care, because I would drop off and pick up my child right before and after work and I would be not far away from them in case of a critical situation.
And the last, but not least – how does employer take care of his employees. As development and good well-being becomes more and more important – employers are focusing more and more on their employees health and ambitions. A possibility to take part in trainings, motivation for development such as promotions or bonuses, but also subsidised health care and individual approach to an employee are aspects that would most likely motivate me to join and stay in such a company, which provides them.

275 słów

W odpowiedzi na Kacper Drewko

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Katarzyna Sulich ()
In order for the employer to motivate me to work in his company and to stay in it, he should allow me to choose the time of coming to work. This mean that I am able to come to work between 7.00 - 9.00 and leave work after the scheduled 8 hours. This is a very important option for me and I would certainly use it. I believe that it would be an equally good idea to be able to take one day off a month without giving a reason and without consequences for the employee. In addition, it is very important to me that my boss treats all employees the same. He must be able to reward them when it is right, but also instruct them when they do mistakes.
What I like about the SAS methods is that employees can choose whether they want their own office or work in an open-plan. I appreciate this approach to employees, because I believe that each of them knows perfectly well under what conditions they work better, and the employer should provide them with such. I also like the long-term "wellness" program, supported by two nutritionists, and the "lifestyle education" program. I think that this is a very good solution that will encourage employees to stay in the company, because they do not have to pay for fitness classes themselves, and may take care of their health. The more that in modern times caring for health is very common.

247 słów

W odpowiedzi na Katarzyna Sulich

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Mateusz Fojtuch ()
There are few things that will motivate me to join and retain in company.
First is good chemistry and commitment of the entire team. In my opinion the right atmosphere in the company is very important. Friendly relations between employees and manager maybe help to active goals company.
Second is health care programme. More and more employees are aware of the importance of taking care of their own health. People start eating healthy. So, it is great to hear that company has owns medical centre with two nutritionists and lifestyle education scheme. Personally, I am a person who regularly examines own body and a care about what I eat.
The last but not the least is provided free snacks and cafe. Many people haven’t no time to prepare some meals to work, because they have many other responsibilities for example children. Such a solution will provide comfort to employees
The last factor for me is have own office with one or two colleagues. In my opinion open space in company is very bad, because no one can be on one hundred percent focus on own work.

186 słów

W odpowiedzi na Mateusz Fojtuch

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Justyna Niezgodzińska ()
If a company want me to join and retain I have some expectations.
First of all, I need sport facilities. I am a better worker if I can do sport after work because it reliefs my stress. What is more, it helps me keep a work-life balance. Secondly, I very appreciate subsidy to child care. It shows that the company want to keep me. It shows that company take care of my career and they want me to fast come back after pregnancy. Last but not least, I need my own office. I can't focus on a job when in space is loud. I need silence to be the most efficient.

111 słów

W odpowiedzi na Justyna Niezgodzińska

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Marta Sobczak ()
I would expect a few practices form my potential employer to motivate me to join them and retain me there.
The first of all is friendly mood of the team. In my opinion people should get on well with each other because it's impact on my production and desire to do my job. Second one is give me opportunity personal development. It's very important to acquire new abilities and develop this one which I already have. Next very important things for me is my own office. I can’t focus well when next to me is other person. Health care program, child care and sports facilities will be extra practice which motivate me to join and retain in job.

118 słów

W odpowiedzi na Marta Sobczak

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Adrian Kaszuba ()
What caught my attention in the text about SAS is the health care centre. Sport facilities are also a good way to keep your employees healthy and therefore not taking off-days. It seems to be a good way to motivate workers. It would definitely work for me. For me the most important thing in a workplace is a good atmosphere and good communication between employees. Second most important thing is a space to grow. Extra trainings and courses would be more than welcome. This is what I hope I would get from a potential future employer and his company. Anything that comes extra is always a nice addition.

108 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Martyna Raczkowska ()
In order for companies to be able to count on their employees and obtain better results thanks to them, it is very important to constantly motivate them to work efficiently. Thanks to the amenities, employees have a chance to feel good at work, which often results in their loyalty. Of the options offered by SAS, I liked the possibility of having my own office the most, I would definitely use it because I value quiet and privacy at work. Free snacks and subsidiesed cafes also seem to be a great idea, because it's not always time at work to go to the store for something to eat, and regular brain energy supply is good for employee productivity. Personally, I am motivated by a well-coordinated team that you can always count on and an understanding manager who you can turn to with problems. Another aspect is flexible working hours. It's good to have an influence on your schedule and be able to negotiate special cases, f.i. leaving work early. Thanks to this solution, you have the impression that your voice in the company is also important.

186 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Tomasz Maciejewski ()
From my potential employer I would expect my own office. It is the most important factor for me, because I know that my performance is way better when I’m alone in the room. According to SAS, they provide free snacks and subsidies cafes, for me it’s not necessary to eat snacks at work, but it would be very welcome to have an opportunity to eat warm lunch during the day. One of the best SAS’s ideas is to offer sports facilities, because everyone knows that people who are active in sports work more efficient. The health-care centre is also a good idea, but I don’t expect that from my future employer. However, I believe that one of the most common expectations at work is just a nice and quiet atmosphere, so I would except that at the first place.

139 słów

W odpowiedzi na Tomasz Maciejewski

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Szymon Skrzeczkowski ()
Having my own well equipped office would be the most valuable practice that I would expect frommy employer. Working in somehow comfortable, quiet space makes me more efficient and less distracted while doing my job. Getting systematic feedback is also very important thing for me, working on a project for hours or days just to find out it's done wrong can be very disapointing and demotivating. Getting opinions and corrections more often can lead to better effects in less time. I don't think that practices such as fruit days or handing out sweets to employees are valuable, such as at SAS. However I would expect that my employer can provide a place in a company when you can get warm food, snacks or drinks, whenever they are free or you should make them by yourself, just a place like big kitchen would be very desirable.

145 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Patryk Pietniun ()
It's really important for me to be motivated by my employer. He or she should make me want to stay in the company everyday. Really important aspect of motivating me is feedback. After my work is done, my employer should tell me if it's done properly. If I made a mistake or something is not as it mentioned to be, I would like to know that. Also when my work is done perfectly. I would like to be aware of it. And being told that you work is well done makes me want to come back to work. I start to see that I am important in company and they count on me. Also it helps me develop and I can grow, gain new experiences everyday. The other aspect is being awarded. What I mean by saying that is not exactly being promoted. I would say awards like some kind of coupons for my family and I. Furthermore it's really nice to come to work where your employer cares about you. It can be seen as candies or fruits on the table during brake but also as being nice. I would like to work in company that sees me as an individual. My boss should understand my personal life and there should be no problem to take one day off for my family once in a while. Child-care and subsidised elements are very important to me.

236 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Wiktoria Znaczko ()
For employees to remain loyal to the company, management must show that they are loyal to the employees. Any display of lack of respect, interest, or loyalty will prevent employees from remaining emotionally involved in the company. Appreciating the work performed by the employee and receiving feedback, so establishing relationships with the employee, is a sign of the management's loyalty. That is what I would expect from my employer in the first place. This seems to be the basic aspect of employment, however, it is not obvious in the realities of the market. The advantage that I would definitely pay attention to when recruiting for work are irregular working hours. That is, starting and finishing work at any time after working, of course, the obligatory eight hours. Such a solution would make it easier to move around the city and avoid rush hour. This would result in a great saving of time which I could devote to self-development. The pioneering idea of SAS, which offered free snacks and coffee, is rather a standard in larger enterprises, but it makes work much more pleasant, making the employee more efficient when he is in a good mood. I would also appreciate the solution introduced by SAS concerning free health care for employees. In these times, access to medical specialists is very difficult. Rapid diagnosis of the disease increases the chances of a quicker recovery, which, as shown by SAS statistics, would reduce the number of sick leaves.
All these described factors together would make me fully motivated to work in such a company and retain me there.

265 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Daria Thol ()
Motivation is very important to achieving high work results. I really like the idea of SAS with free snacks and subsides cafes. It allows me to save money, and when I’m hungry, I don’t have to run to the store. Thanks to that I save more time on a break. In addition, SAS cares for employees by offering a long-term "wellness" program, supported by two nutritionists and free health-center. Many people want to take care of their health and diet, but cannot do it themselves, thanks to help it could be possible. It also saves a lot of money and the employees are healthy and happy.
My own idea is frequent integration of employees, because in a well-coordinated team work is more enjoyable. Second idea is flexible schedule. I would like to spend some days of the month outside of work, but I could make up for them at the weekend.

151 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Aleksandra Sztrajt ()
There is a lot of things I would expect from my potential employer to motivate me to join them and retain in the company.
The first and the most important to me is equality. I want to feel that my employer treats me and the whole team equal to him. I wanna know that he wants to know our opinion on something and bear it in mind when making decisions. Then I feel needed. 
The other important thing is that he should be interested in our development. He should treats us as individuals and understand that everybody has something different to give and receive. He should want to know what motivates us and he should understand that everybody is motivated by something else. Then I know my skills are important and I'm motivated to improve them.
I think that sports facilities, subsidised child-care, free snacks are also important. They help to remember that work can be enjoyable.

157 słów

W odpowiedzi na Aleksandra Sztrajt

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Joanna Kujawska ()
There are a lot of practices to motivate people to join and retain work but it is pretty individual what factors bring the best effects.
Personally I would expect for my employer most of all positive atmosphere. I want to spend eight hours of my day in the place where I feel good, safe and valued. Working in a team who supports and help each other is crucial for me. Another important factor is flexible hours of work. It would give me some kind of freedom which increased my efficiency, for sure.
In the SAS ideas I really liked their own health-care centre and a long- term programme, supported by nutritionists and a “lifestyle education” scheme. That encourage people to take care about themselves and helps them to do it in the right way. It would also allow to save some money and time which someone would have to spend to commute. What also paid my attention is a subsidised child-care and early schooling. In my opinion this is a huge support for the employee and it would be definitely one of the most important practices which would convince me to join and stay for a long time in that kind of company.

203 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: ANNA WAJS ()
Except for generous remuneration, which is quite frankly one of the biggest reasons for choosing company I would be working for, there are a lot of ways they could lure me in. If they provided the kinds of benefits that SAS does I would be very interested. Subsidised cafes, free snacks and treats would be the first thing I would expect from such company but sports facilities and health care centre would be the thing that motivates me the most. Wellness programmes and subsidised child-care would be cherry on top but are not as necessary for me as the former. I would not be too interested in stocks of my would-be company but it’s not as popular in Poland so I don’t expect such an option. Still, as for me personally, on-site facilities and free-meal cafeterias would be the biggest factor in choosing company. In regards to retention of employees, I would expect possibility of promotion or other kind of personal development. Lack thereof would result in me quitting. Amount of available time-off and holidays would also be big factor in keeping me in the company. I hope to find employer that provides benefits most suitable to me someday.

199 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Przemysław Podemski ()
There are a lot of practices which I would except from my future employer. First of all, I want to be respected by him/her, because this makes a good atmosphere and then I feel my work is important for the company. Suggestions from SAS seems firendly to me, especially snacks and subsidised cafes, cause when I’m hungry or sleepy, my efficient is the worst. SAS offers magnificent sports facilities too and for me this is the best way to find perfect balance between a mind work and physical activities - you don’t have to waste your time on driving to gym or exercising at home. Suggestion from me to motivating people and retaining them are vacation tickets. The prospect of rest in beautiful place makes that you work stronger and feel your work can be generously rewarded.

137 słów

W odpowiedzi na Przemysław Podemski

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Krystian Dunst ()
There are many things I would expect from my future employer to motivate me to join the company.
The most important thing for me is that there is no toxic atmosphere in the company. Employees should treat each other with respect. And managers should be calm in explaining their expectations to lower-level employees.
The second important thing is that after a day of mental effort an employee can get rid of his or her stress somewhere and sport is the best thing to do. It is also important that an employee does not have to worry about taking care of his children if he has them. The company should pay for the kindergarten near the workplace. This way the employee wouldn't have to worry about the children but would be able to fully concentrate on his work.

137 słów

W odpowiedzi na Krystian Dunst

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Dominika Paszko ()
In addition to a generous salary, there are many practices that can be expected from a potential employer to motivate me to join and retain new job. In my opinion, all kinds of benefits are important, such as: a day with fruit, cafes, the possibility of joining the multisport program or offering additional medical care. We pay attention to this when searching through job advertisements. For this reason I think that in SAS 'offer snacks and subsidized cafes are particularly encouraging because when I am hungry I can't focus on my work. In SAS offer, I also liked the health center. It's a good idea to motivate employees because nowadays the queues to specialists are very long.

117 słów

W odpowiedzi na Dominika Paszko

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Justyna Kaczorowska ()
Employers have various ways to encourage a person to accept their job offer. One of these ways is handing out sweets. In my opinion that’s nice but unnecessary. The company can add a different snack for example fruit or vegetable and give employees a choice.
The most important elements for me is having my own office because no one would disturb me and I will be able to concentrate on my work. Moreover, I would appreciate if my employer provided my health care. It would make me feel safe. I think that the possibility of remote work and flexible working hours would be a great convenience. These are the factors that ensure liberty of work.
Employers offer additionally sports facilities which are also an interesting addition and provide relaxation and entertainment after work. What is more, they subsidize child care and early education. It would be very important factor for employees who are parents. A valid aspect that cannot be forgotten is the atmosphere at work.

166 słów

W odpowiedzi na Dominika Paszko

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Adam Śliwiński ()
There are many different things that would motivate me to stay in one company for a longer period of time. First of all, I would like to have healthy and friendly office environment so that the work with my colleagues would be a pleasure.
Free snacks and subsidies cafes are good solution for me to feel more relaxed and be in the better mood throughout a day in the office.
Flexible working hours would help me in motivating myself to work. If you have repetitive working hours, your work become really monotonous and bad for your mental health.
Having health Centre and sport facilities for free are also crucial benefits that I would really appreciate to have. Having a break during a day for playing sports or having a relaxing massage is a gamechanger in satisfaction. Private office for me is not as important as the previous factors because I like to work in a group of people.

158 słów

W odpowiedzi na Adam Śliwiński

Re: Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Marta Kuklińska ()
In order to keep me motivated and willing to developing my career in a certain company, the most valuable thing is to keeping me developing and continuously learning. No matter if it giving more challenges in the position I am, or offering extra bonuses like for example language classes - this is something that builds in employee strong motivation.
I like the suggestions proposes by SAS: free snacks and subsidies cafes are the way to create the image of friendly company, but what I like the most is an idea to support employees not only in work zone like subsidies child-care, school. It gives the sense of care the company of employee.

111 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Valued practices

Napisane przez: Bartosz Paliński ()
In my opinion, the most valuable practice to stay motivated and loyal to a company is to treat all employees equally, no matter what results they achieve. I would highly appreciate for having friendly relations with my superiors and receiving a positive feedback from them. For example integration trips would help everyone to settle in and build strong relations with my colleagues. Free snacks and subsidised cafes would also be very helpful for making my work day more efficient. More and more companies are trying to provide their employees with better working conditions, which is a positive aspect. Also very important for me is a health care programme. In the current pandemic situation it would be very important to diagnose by a doctor an infection quickly enough, to inhabit further spread. Moreover, the possibility of working in home office would be very helpful. The ideas offered by SAS really appeal to me. I think I would definitely accept a job at SAS if they offered me a job.

168 słów