Changes, changes and changes

Changes, changes and changes

Napisane przez: Michał Żmudowski ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

At the beginning, I would like to remind say/draw your attention to the fact that every company has its own diagram. If a company wants to have the best possible atmosphere and make the highest possible profits, they will have to cooperate together. Every person should know and understand vision, mission and the company goals.

Changes are an indispensable element of every organization. Most people in the world don’t like changes. They are afraid of them. Many of them think that it is very probable that changes will give bring about/lead to something dangerous or something what that would destroy their previous activity destroys actions, which was made to this moment. It is very probable that the changes which come into force in the company will change their habits. This is an enormous problem for people who want to do only minimum work and stay in one place without the possibility of development, because they are lazy. It can be happen in every position in the company. 

How can this resistance be overcome in my opinion? This is such a hard question if we don’t know a specific case. In the first point place we should talk with people who don’t want changes and maybe they will tell us what is their problem with their aversion to this change is. Maybe this person has they/some of these people have a better idea how to solve the company's problems or increase the profits or maybe this a particular person (what which is worse) is lazy and doesn't want to work more. Another idea is to create groups in which every person in the company will think about how to solve some cases and how to make the organization better. Maybe this will show them that it isn’t so/that easy and how much work is needed to come up with/implement the proposed these changes which are proposed. When these the ideas that seems and other ways are the best in this specific situation in a company will not work, maybe the problem is not in the organization culture and in these changes, but in this person who only wants to argue with somebody and stop the development of every person in the company.


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