Staff resistance

Staff resistance

by Kacper Drewko -
Number of replies: 26

In my opinion the fact that the staff might be resistant to changes isn’t anything exceptional. People in general don’t like changes, especially the ones that don’t directly improve their life, but they still have to implement them. The other aspect is that it’s hard to change your habits when you have been doing something, in this case working, in a specific manner for a long period of time, that you got used to and probably feel comfortable with, but now you are being told that it’s bad and you have to change it. The last thing that might affect the staff’s attitude towards changes is that those changes come from the outside of the company, when a person that they don’t know and maybe even don't trust tells them what to do.

There are of course some ways to reduce the negative attitude toward changes. One of them is to explaining to the staff why the changes are being introduced, what would have to be done and what are the expected benefits of those actions are. A good practice is also to focusing on the profits that will affect the staff directly, so they know that changes they have to work on will result in better conditions of work or payment. The last thing that a company can do is to implement changes regularly, even by in small steps. This way the staff gets used to the changes and they are not put into a situation when there is a massive revolution in their workplace.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano środa, 2.12.2020, 20:23 )

266 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Martika Kisiel -
From my point of view, there are lots of reasons why staff may be resistant to the changes. One of them is trust, which people don’t have to in a strange person. Working as a consultant is hard to show people that your aim is to make their job more efficient, not to reproach mistakes. What is more, the staff don’t believe your idea will work until you prove it. They are used to executing processes in a known way. Pointing Making them adopt a different point of view will meet with a reluctance on to accept trying it.

However, knowing these aspects should give some guidance to the consultant on how to handle the situation. First of all, you need to explain your idea in with all the details/in detail. Thanks to for doing that people will believe in your knowledge and involvement. You also need to say that it is their decision to take your advice or not, but you have already checked all the techniques and the shown one is the best. What’s more, ask people why they have chosen such a system. It should help you to understand and change their mind.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano czwartek, 3.12.2020, 00:00 )

207 words

In reply to Martika Kisiel

Odp: Staff resistance

by Wiktoria Znaczko -
As far as I'm concerned, a common and well-known phenomenon is the feeling of anxiety, fear, and resistance to unknown situations. It not only happens in everyday life but also in large corporations and micro-enterprises. The results of an independent study conducted by a Polish organization showed that the process of implementing changes in enterprises is effective only in one-third of cases. The reasons for such a poor result include insufficient involvement of the management board in changes and insufficient communication with employees. The last of the above-mentioned reasons may be related to the fact that employees fear changes due to insufficient knowledge about what will happen in the organization. This is the reason for the resistance we are talking about. Employees' concerns may be about whether the changes will lead to job cuts or will make their jobs difficult, and whether they are really needed. When deciding to introduce changes, employees should be allowed to ask even hard questions. When they receive detailed answers to their questions, their fears of losing their job or reducing their salary will disappear. Therefore, the transparency of the management board and consultants in the decisions they make towards the employees affected by the change is significant to avoid resistance. There is a management discipline that deals with introducing changes to organizations. A good consultant working for an organization should know how to help the company improve the efficiency of processes and the quality of the final product while avoiding misunderstandings with employees.

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In reply to Wiktoria Znaczko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Katarzyna Sulich -
In my opinion, making changes always causes some resistance. It does not depend on whether the change is introduced in private life or in a large company. Well, change always causes some unawereness and thus the emergence of fear and apprehension of the new. It is these factors that drive the resistance. The worker is concerned about whether his skills will be sufficient after the changes are made, and whether the work will still be needed. He is surely wondering if he will be able to adapt to the new conditions and how quickly it will happen. This kind of thinking determines behavior that is characterized by resistance and unwillingness to make changes.
To avoid resistance, the company implementing changes should clearly and precisely communicate to employees every step and the consequences for a given level. In addition, it should show how each person's work will change and, if necessary, organize training for employees so that their skills continue to correspond to the position held. In addition, every employee should have the right to ask questions and obtain a comprehensive answer. I think that knowing about changes will significantly reduce employee resistance, and maybe even encourage them to help and favor the implemented changes.

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Daria Kuraieva -
In my opinion, the main reason why staff may be resistant to the changes suggested by a consultant is because in general people don’t like changes, it may scare them. Most people prefer stability in life and don’t want to change anything. While consultants can put pressure on workers, they don’t understand that it makes things/their situation worse and scares them more. We can’t force people to adapt to something and change their habits.
How can this resistance be overcome? From my point of view the best solution is to give a employees time and not to demand everything at once. Also, it is worth explaining why these changes are needed and what will change due the positive outcome they are going to bring. this. And remember, speak calmly about the case and without pressure.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano piątek, 4.12.2020, 11:42 )

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In reply to Daria Kuraieva

Odp: Staff resistance

by Joanna Kujawska -
According to From my point of view, staff may be resistant to the suggested changes primarily because they may feel unsure and afraid. The An old adage says that people don't like changes. I suppose that in that case staff may think that if the company implements changes which consultants suggest the performance will be more efficiencyefficient so they may become useless and lose their job. Another reason for that this approach may be that the staff believes that they know their responsibilities best unbeatable. So they don't want to someone from the outside to comes for a while and tell them what they have to do.
I believe that we always could to do something to overcome the resistance. The consultants should start with a specific talk of what their aims are. What is more, they could arrange prepare the staff to for this process and asks them about their opinion. It is quite possible that some of them would be able to give great ideas. In that way they wouldn’t feel to do out of the big decisions. Reporting to them the current results and show that changes can be good, is a way to convince people to cooperate. The last thing is to make them feel appreciated.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 6.12.2020, 14:44 )

221 words

In reply to Joanna Kujawska

Odp: Staff resistance

by Klaudia Ryś -
Why do you think staff may be resistant to the suggested changes?
The main reason the staff may be resistant to the suggested changes, in my opinion, are employees' various habits. People often easily get used to doing their work a certain way, and are unlikely to quickly accept the changes and adapt to a the new environment. They may feel excited for about new things on one hand, but have a fear of failure on the other.
How can this resistance be overcome in your opinion?
I truly believe that the best way to overcome the staff resistance is to educate the employees about the implemented changes, to explain the reasoning behind them and to ensure them about the positive impact the changes are going to have on the company and people working there. It could be accomplished by organising a staff training and a series of meetings to get employees' feedback and know what else do they need in order to feel comfortable with the changes.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 6.12.2020, 22:07 )

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In reply to Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Staff resistance

by Mateusz Fojtuch -
In my opinion, employees are resistant to the suggested changes because people are naturally afraid of them. This is due to their psyche. When employees hear about a coming change, they immediately tend to think they are doing their job poorly. Another reason is to adapt to change. As a rule, older workers are reluctant to learn new things. How can this resistance be overcome?
From my point of view, the consultant should first explain exactly what it the new solutions refers to before implementing them new solutions. Ask the employees what they think about them and what they would they change in the first place. Feedback can improve the consultant's idea. First of all, It's also vital/very important to discuss the benefits of the proposed change. People who see these benefits of change are more likely to implement them. The last important aspect is that the consultant should speak calmly, allowing interaction with the staff.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 6.12.2020, 23:42 )

167 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Tomasz Maciejewski -
I think staff may be resistant to the suggested changes because they are just accustomed to their work. It’s not that easy to change habits and it takes time. If older employee has been doing his work the same way for a couple of years, he wouldn’t be happy and interested about in adopting new ideas, because he has a conviction that he is doing the work the best way he can. The other reason is that people have to trust a consultant who tries to improve their work. Consultants shouldn’t put pressure and force changes, they have to apply it them patiently and using in a smart way.
This resistance can be overcome by explaining the new idea in all details and showing that it really works. The staff need proves. proofs.  It is also welcome to say why this these changes are needed and how each employee’s job will change. The other important factor is time. Changes shouldn’t be implemented suddenly. Firstly, the consultant’s should get feedback from the staff and take it into account and then the new solutions should be introduced slowly.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 7.12.2020, 13:26 )

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In reply to Tomasz Maciejewski

Odp: Staff resistance

by Adrian Kaszuba -
• Why do you think staff may be resistant to the suggested changes?
The answer is really simple. People don’t like changes. In my opinion, the main reason why staff can be resistant to the suggested changes is the that changes in at work scare/frighten a great majority of staff members of staff. However, The employees made up their habits, routine and they reluctantly change it.these. On the one hand they could be curious about the proposed modification, but on the other hand they know that they are expected to/have to spend a lot of time for on adaptation and there’s never a guarantee of achieving success.
• How can this resistance be overcome in your opinion?
In my opinion the best method to overcome this resistance is educating. The A suitable training should be organized for the employees. Not one training, but a series of trainings so that the workers will remember they are not alone and have a support. Moreover, the leadership management or the employer should convince his staff that the changes are needed and good for them and the entire organization.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 7.12.2020, 13:41 )

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In reply to Adrian Kaszuba

Odp: Staff resistance

by Justyna Kaczorowska -
The consultancy Consulting is usually very much appreciated by customers. The person in charge of contact with the client should be competent, courteous, poised calm and communicative. Providing a complete and comprehensive answer to the question asked by a the client often requires contact with other departments and obtaining information from them. This can cause opposition and reluctance on the part of the company's employees. The reason for such behavior may be the fear of additional work and major changes in the schedule of their work or chaos associated with the participation of a large number of people.
In my opinion the best solution to this problem would be to ensure reduced the number of previous duties for the stuff, which are responsible for counseling reduces ???. In this case the mentioned employees don’t feel overworked. It would mean changes in their existing work schedule. Another proposal is to appoint one specific person from each department, whose main responsibility would be answering questions and giving advice to clients. It would mean creating a new position or recruiting from among the employed workers.
It should be remembered that the sales process involves two parties: the employee and the client, and neither of them must feel harmed.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 7.12.2020, 19:04 )

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In reply to Justyna Kaczorowska

Odp: Staff resistance

by Dominika Paszko -
Why do you think staff may be resistant to the changes suggested by a consultant??
Well the real reason behind this is most likely a the nature of a human. Someone's proposition proposal/suggestion on how to change something in a company (or anywhere else actually) is usually not taken into account. It's so called rebel personality. It's also caused by the fact that they would have to overcome some difficulties in applying those changes.

How can this resistance be overcome in your opinion?
Overcoming resistance to the changes could be done by showing that it's not that complicated and it may be rewarding for everyone at some point. If someone sees positive aspects and all of the benefits that are connected with the changes than he or she might give it a shot ??? and implement them at once or at least might be less resistant. Also, all the changes could be spread over time so that not major changes everything will would be done at once, which also might also be helpful.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 7.12.2020, 19:17 )

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In reply to Tomasz Maciejewski

Odp: Staff resistance

by Szymon Skrzeczkowski -
In my opinion, staff may show resistance to the suggested changes because of their work habits. If they are doing something for years and they have worked out some most efficient ways to do it, it's hard for them to suddenly change their methods. People are often scared of changes in their life because they think it will make it harder, they will have to learn new stuff etc. Also, if people doing something for a long time hear that some consultant is trying to rearrange their methods, they can be very skceptical about it the new developments and deny the fact that somebody can plan their work better than themselves.
Staff resistance can be overcome by proof. For example, consultants should make a presentation about other companies in which the same advices helped a lot and caused/brought about better results. If the staff can witness the actual positive changes, they can be less skeptical and maybe consider the advice. The Another way to overcome resistance may be some kind of compromise, finding out some method that mixes/combines the previous methods ones with new advised ways to do something.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 21:11 )

201 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

Why the staff may be resistant to suggested changes? Well it’s quite obvious that if somebody wants to increase your workload or decrease your salary, then you will be very discontented. The Beneficial changes to a company are not always beneficial to its it’s employees. Besides, even if the change was also beneficial to the staff, if the change it does not promise is not significant improvement, there might still might be resistance, because of simple laziness. People generally prefer/choose/go for  for static and unchanging work environment in work, where they know what to expect, so any changes may meet with rejection and resistance.
This kind of resistance can be overcome by incentives and a positive attitude. Good verbal communication and proper explanations by a person proficient in smooth talking is an easy but effective fix for this problem. Unredeemable malcontents though have to be disposed of by disciplinary discharge. Proper management of change is required.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 7.12.2020, 21:00 )

168 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Antoni Klebba -
Why do you think staff may be resistant to the suggested changes?
I think that the most obvious answer is that people in general don't like changes. Most people prefer to work in with maybe not optimal but known and familiar rules than more efficient but new and potentially difficult to follow at the beginning.
A second answer to that may be simply lack of trust of the personnel to in the consultant's advices.

How can this resistance be overcome in your opinion?
In my opinion the most important aspect of overcoming this kind of resistance is conversation. Someone who wants to make changes in the company should talk to the staff and explain why this these changes are necessary, why they need to make this changes them in a specific way and ensure them that this the changes will improve the functioning of the company without making their work awkward.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 09:41 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Przemysław Podemski -
In my opinion, staff resistance to change comes from pure human nature. People quickly get used to certain things and then they are afraid to change anything. The company is created by people of all ages and they are not so flexible to make changes in their habits / ‘rituals’/ways. It will be much harder for older workers, because having worked working in a certain way for many years, it is difficult to work differently overnight.
How can this resistance be overcome? In my opinion it is important to show examples of people who, by introducing changes in their work, worked more efficiently and pleasantly, to proof proove that it works. The second suggests,ion, because people of different ages work in the company, it is worth making the younger and more flexible employees help the older ones, who are more difficult to change. For me, acting in this way improves the atmosphere in the company and brings better results.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 11:36 )

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In reply to Przemysław Podemski

Odp: Staff resistance

by Filip Struczyński -
Why do you think employees may be resistant to the suggested changes?
I believe that employees can be resistant to the suggested changes as they are employees at various levels. Management will understand that this can improve the quality and reduce costs, but lower-level employees are used to their daily work and will not want to change that. It should also be noted that they may be people on of different ages, the older ones may not be willing or be able to change the way they work.
How can this resistance be overcome in your opinion?
I believe that proper training is a good way to solve the problem of adapting employees to the new rules. Additionally, getting a small bonus from the company can help them feel appreciated, which will increase their engage motivation to change.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 11:54 )

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In reply to Filip Struczyński

Odp: Staff resistance

by Krystian Dunst -
In my opinion, many people are afraid of change because they do not like to put themselves in a situation they do not know. They are often afraid that they will not be able to cope with a new situation or simply do not want to develop. They like the place where they are and do not want to change that. We can observe such a situation not only at work but also in every sphere of our lives. In the work itself, this can be due to the poor implementation of the proposed change. The management does not explain to the employees how the changes will be carried out and they may be afraid for of losing their position. If the management rs explain s to employees what changes are going to take place, so that they know what changes are going to take place (repetition) and are confident about their position in the company, they should be better prepared for change.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 14:30 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Martyna Raczkowska -
In my opinion, employees can be resistant to change for several reasons. One of them is, for example, that they might have got get used to the existing work model and fear that they will not be competent enough to cope with the implemented change. Another reason may simply be the belief in the superiority of the old model and workers may not be reformable in this regard. On the one hand, it is hardly surprising given the fact that they worked for many years in a model which they believed worked flawlessly. People generally don't like changes because it involves something unfamiliar, it involves leaving your comfort zone and taking the extra time to learn and implement it. They are expected to exchange the current operating mode and into a different one and get used to it again.
To overcome this resistance in employees, it is worth implementing all the new ideas slowly so that they have a chance to get used to the changing environment. You can also organize meetings in which the upcoming changes will be explained in detail, with an indication of why the proposed solutions are better than the current ones. Changes in every aspect of our lives take time, but are undeniably very necessary

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 15:34 )

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In reply to Martyna Raczkowska

Odp: Staff resistance

by Marta Sobczak -
In my opinion staff may by resistant to the suggested changes because senior managers could think they will lose authority and low-rank employees could think they don’t have enough experience. A different reason could be the approach of people to change. In many times Usually people don’t like this. They can’t find themselves in new method. They can by accustomed to another way of thinking.
I think/In my opinion, a good method to overcome receive resistance is making/organising integrative a team building meeting for everyone. When people better knows each other better, they should better get along much better and easier too. Another thing is to organise a making training about teamwork and what important is every person in staff ??? A good way can also be told to tell clearly how that help firm?? and it’s not change the authority.???

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 15:50 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Aleksandra Sztrajt -
In my opinion, it's normal that the employees may be resistant to the suggested changes. There is a few reasons for this. First, it's hard for them to get used to the changes. They feel stress, anxiety and fear to of unknown situations. They might also worry that their skills might be not be enough anymore. They are scared that with the changes in the organization, there will be changes in the staff. The changes also destroy employees' stability in life, which everybody likes and wants so much.
To overcome this resistance, the employer should start by presenting the idea of changes to everyone. Additionally, employer he/she should ask what all the employees think about it and the employees at every level of the organization should propose their changes. They should know that everybody is important and listened to. This will help them to understand that changes can also be good for them.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 16:29 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Patryk Pietniun -
Of course There can be no doubt/It goes withut saying that the staff will be not happy about with the changes that the company would like to implement. No-one likes changes and that this is obvious. Secondly also workers are used to some things, habits, behavior. If you want to change something in a company, it is natural that they will be against it. The last thing reason that workers might not like changes is that those changes they are come from the outside people. Usually it is hard for people to take the advices from the unknown people. strangers.
The main thing is to educate those workers, especially to tell them that those the changes are not only good for one man but for everyone. Secondly, those changes are to make their work easier and faster. That This means that they their work will be more comfortable and they will come to work with a smile on their face.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 17:18 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Bartosz Paliński -
From my point of view the reason why staff may be resistant to the suggested changes is because of the fact that people are afraid of changes and very often associate them with fear of changing for the worse. The human psyche is resistant to unknown situations and try tries to avoid them by getting used to something e.g. habits and manners that are used over a long period of time. The other reason might be the inappropriate communication between the members of staff and the management board. People are unlikely to accept quick changes of to a new environment and those changes can lead to confusion. Insufficient flow of information can lead to poor results of employees' work. From my own experience, changes in the work of other workers are quite often untested and not approved beforehand by affected employees.(What do you ean here in fact??) Therefore, they are not widely accepted.
However, there are many ways to reduce the negative attitude toward changes. First of all, the idea behind any changes is that whether/when (???) they are going to be implemented has to be consulted with employees. After that, those changes everything should be presented and explained to the staff. In this way employees will be more prepared for the upcoming changessituation. And the most important is to test the changes on a small group of people those changes. Their opinions should be the most valuable before making a final decision. Different points of view should also be discussed.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 17:23 )

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In reply to Bartosz Paliński

Re: Odp: Staff resistance

by Marta Kuklińska -
The main reason why the staff may have a reluctant approach to proposed changes is the lack of perceiving the consultancy service as something which could bring the value also for to their work. They may have the senseof not enough knowledge people implementing consultants as they are not working in their company as long as they.(What do you mean by this??) Finally, they may feel that their work is assesed and they don’t want to change their habits.
To solve this problem, the most important is to speak openly with the staff about the planning consultancy and the reasons why it is necessary. It’s worth gathering the opinions of the stuff about the problems they noticed in the company or maybe what changes they find valuable.
Another solution is to actively turn on  (???) the staff to the proposed changes. The higher levels of Senior staff should ensure their employees subordinates have access to training and organise sessions with about the consultant's advice in order to give them the tools to expand their knowledge.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 17:42 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Justyna Niezgodzińska -
Workers can be resistant when making changes for several reasons. Firstly, we may have a vague plan. The change programme must be well explained. Each employee should understand the meaning of the introduced changes. Employees will be more willing to engage in introduced changes if they understand why they are doing this. Secondly, they may scare about be afraid of being fired. If changes were are introduced earlier, too early, which could resulted in group layoffs, employees may react negatively to the changes. The solution to this is to ensure at the outset that no one gets fired. On the other hand, if you need to lay off employees, you must do so by giving employees time to find a new job. Thanks to this, employees will not be afraid that they will lose their jobs overnight.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 18:23 )

147 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Daria Thol -
Staff may be resistant to the suggested changes because they think that their job will be worse after the change than before. They prefer to stay in the current mode of work to which they are accustomed. Adapting to a new routine can be a problem for them because people are afraid that they will not be able to deal with them the new system or their qualifications will not be adequate and they will be fired.
To overcome resistance it is important is to make changes gradually so that workers can adapt to them. Additionally, in order to introduce changes, it is necessary to clarify all the details and explain to the employees the purpose of the changes. Ask them for their opinion and say that they have nothing to fear, and if in doubt, they can ask for help. Training for the employees to prepare them for the coming changes may also be helpful.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 18:40 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Staff resistance

by Adam Śliwiński -
In my opinion it is a very common occurrence that staff might be resistant to changes. People usually don’t like changes, especially after working for many years in a certain system. They got used to working with a specific rule in the company and often they don’t understand why there are needed some changes and improvements. What’s more, if the person suggesting changes is from the outside of the company, workers may not listen to him because they don’t know him. Sometimes, even if they have received explanations of the future changes, they are reluctant and say that if the previous older system was efficient, it is unnecessary to make changes.
There are some ways to change alter/modify their attitude towards future changes. It is crucial to point out why it is so important for the company, for example, by explaining the main benefits of those actions. Management of the company can provide some bonuses due to the new system for the workers if they will learn and adapt to the new approach within a short period of time. Last but not least, it is important to implement changes regularly by and in small steps

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 21:58 )

206 words