Staff resistance

Odp: Staff resistance

Napisane przez: Adam Śliwiński ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0
In my opinion it is a very common occurrence that staff might be resistant to changes. People usually don’t like changes, especially after working for many years in a certain system. They got used to working with a specific rule in the company and often they don’t understand why there are needed some changes and improvements. What’s more, if the person suggesting changes is from the outside of the company, workers may not listen to him because they don’t know him. Sometimes, even if they have received explanations of the future changes, they are reluctant and say that if the previous older system was efficient, it is unnecessary to make changes.
There are some ways to change alter/modify their attitude towards future changes. It is crucial to point out why it is so important for the company, for example, by explaining the main benefits of those actions. Management of the company can provide some bonuses due to the new system for the workers if they will learn and adapt to the new approach within a short period of time. Last but not least, it is important to implement changes regularly by and in small steps

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 8.12.2020, 21:58 )

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