

by Kacper Drewko -
Number of replies: 25

I personally wouldn’t like to be a consultant and I have never considered it as one of options for my career path. It might be interesting to learn new things all the time and work on different types of projects but those aren’t things that I value a lot. I also didn’t hear about consultants earning a lot of money and it’s a clutch aspect when you have to work long hours, as well as afterhours.

The aspect that I would enjoy in this type of work would be making new contacts, which might become useful in the future and also travelling, especially abroad. Except for the things I listed above I wouldn’t enjoy the unpredictability and continuous changes that this type of work includes.

If I had to work as a consultant I would most preferably like to work for a tech company or a sport’s gear company like Nike or Adidas as those companies match my fields of interest and it would be a great pro of a job as a consultant, to have an opportunity to cooperate with these types of organizations.

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Filip Struczyński -
Would I like to become a consultant? Of course yes! I think it is a very interesting job. For me, the positive side of this work would be meeting new people and learning all the time new informations about different industries. Also, I like traveling and it would not be a problem for me to go somewhere for a few days. The only disadvantage for me in this job will be unpredictability. I like to follow a predetermined plan.
If I could choose a company with which I could work for, I would prefere one of the automotive industry. I think that the combination of my passion and experience as a consultant could be very effective for client the company clients and a nice experience for me.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano sobota, 12.12.2020, 02:06 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Justyna Niezgodzińska -
I think I could be a consultant to for a few reasons. Firstly, I am good at organised sing things and chaos. Sometimes companies have too complicated system, for example, / such as  communications or distributions. So I would be very helpful for companies which can't do it this by themself. selves.Secondly, I like solving puzzles. I think this job consists in finding defects in the system or changing some of the components.
What is more, I think that is very interesting that every project is various different and you can reach gain knowledge from different areas. On the other hand, in this kind of job you can have problems with work-balance. If your client needs you, you should respond immediately. Moreover, it is very unpredictable so sometimes it requires working after long hours/overtime.
I would like to work for Ernst & Young because this is a huge company. It means working for other huge companies. I think I could learn a lot from them.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 13.12.2020, 13:09 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Adrian Kaszuba -
I think that I could be a consultant, because firstly I am very communicative, I like meeting new people and working with them. It must be very curious a fascinating job. In addition, when I am a part of a new team I could learn something new from the others. Moreover, I can solve the problems and I think I am well organized.
This work has got some advantages for example: you could meet new people and travel a lot. Contact with people is really important for me and I like travelling. There are the quite a number of aspects which I would enjoy, when I would be if I were a consultant. For me, the worst aspect is tiredness, which results from travelling.
But I don’t want to be a consultant and work for someone, because I want to run an own business. I believe that I will achieve success.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 13.12.2020, 17:33 )

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In reply to Adrian Kaszuba

Odp: Consultant

by Klaudia Ryś -
I think I would not like to be a consultant. I have some skills that would be useful in working as a consultant, such as communication and moderation skills, or ability to resolve conflicts. Despite that, I have never even considered it and I don't think I have enough experience to work as an adviser.

I would possibly enjoy traveling, as I would see it as a great opportunity to learn about other cultures. Also meeting lots of new people would be very developing and eye-opening. I think it would help me at work, as I believe talking and listening to new people makes you realise about all the differences, and teaches you even more about relationships and communication. The only issue is that I am an introvert, so despite my will to spend time with people, it sometimes exhausts me.

I would like to work for a company that has impeccable ethics, pays the employees well and offers opportunities to grow. The core business wouldn't matter as much, as I am open to learn about new things.

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Daria Kuraieva -
In my opinion I could work like as a consultant, but I am not sure that I really want that. I am open to a new acquaintances contacts/relationships and I easily find common language with people, also I have a good experience to be in contact with people from defferent countries. I worked in the USA, worked in my home country – Ukraine and in Polish. Poland. This kind of job has some aspects which one I am sure I will be like. For example, I can meet new people, have new contacts and of course they can teach me too. But I have my dream that I aspire to and that's the a reason why I have never looked considered this option of the work. But If had to work as a consultant I would want to work for a café and restaurant, something in this wayfield. 

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 14.12.2020, 10:46 )

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In reply to Daria Kuraieva

Odp: Consultant

by Katarzyna Sulich -
It's hard for me to decide if I would like to be a consultant. Although I am more inclined to say that I wouldn't. Well, I think that I do not have enough experience to be able to advise large and even small companies in introducing any changes or making decisions that are important to them.
However, what I like about this job is that I would can get to know a lot of people, because I can learn a lot from others. In turn, I am afraid of frequent trips. I am a very family person and I would miss my relatives too much if I had to travel so much.
I would like to work in a company where the employee is appreciated. I would be glad if she could meet new people and stay in one place without the need for business trips. The industry is not important to me, although I think I would do well in banking and finance.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 14.12.2020, 14:25 )

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In reply to Katarzyna Sulich

Odp: Consultant

by Mateusz Fojtuch -
In my opinion I couldn't be a consultant, but I think that the job is very interesting. I am a person who is shy. I really like to meet new people but I am not sure that if I can work in an international team whose are in different country, but However, I can see a few pluses to this job. Firstly, might to if offers a chance to meet meeting a lot of people, learn new things working on very different projects and saw see how some company nies work in the market.
The aspect of the job I would enjoy the most is meeting people of different cultures, people;saw observing how they work and seeing their solutions they to problems. The second one is travelling. When you are a consultant you are traveling around the word when you are working on the a project for company.
The aspect of the job I don't enjoy is unpredictability ble times of work. I am the person who must plan his own free time. As a consultant you always must be proper ready to help a client. It is not for me. When I am in on vacation or meeting with friends, I can't imagine situations when I must go out leave everything and go to a client.
If I had to work as a consultant, I would like to join an IT company. I am interested with in new technology like Intel. In my option I have a knowledge about this and I could learn a lot from them.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 14.12.2020, 15:21 )

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In reply to Mateusz Fojtuch

Odp: Consultant

by Justyna Kaczorowska -
Consultant's work is very demanding. It is necessary to contact with the client, which often generates a lot of stress. A consultant should have extensive knowledge, be communicative and make decisions quickly. Personally, I wouldn't want to be a consultant because I'm stressed out talking to strangers. I would also prefer to avoid the stress of dissatisfied clients.
I liked What I would like most about this profession is how the effects of my work are visible and that my actions bring positive results. As I have mentioned before, I would like the least stressful contact with people.
I would like to work in a production company. The type of production is not particularly important, although I would prefer to avoid working with chemical products

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 14.12.2020, 18:00 )

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In reply to Katarzyna Sulich

Odp: Consultant

by Wiktoria Znaczko -
I am not sure where I would like to be employed after graduation, but it seems to me that doing the job of a consultant requires more experience than a student gets after graduation. Therefore, I would not have the courage to apply for a job as a consultant. I would have to find out more about it and see what their day at work looks like. An internship in such a company and taking part in one of the consultant team's projects would be an interesting experience.
After watching an interview with an experienced consultant from New York, I was surprised by the diversity of their work and extensive knowledge of various branches of business. Having so much experience in so many different industries is a valuable resource. After quitting the consultant's job, many global companies would surely fight for such a talented employee.
The least encouraging aspect of this type of work, for me, is its unpredictability and changeability. Also the need for frequent travel. As a pet owner of dogs and several horses, I would not be able to fulfill all my responsibilities. It would require me to make choices between passion and work.
After graduation, I would like to work in an enterprise related to the protection of natural resources. I have completed several internships in companies dealing with waste disposal and recycling. I am very interested in this subject and I would like to get to know it even more. I hope to get a job in this business sector.

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In reply to Katarzyna Sulich

Odp: Consultant

by Szymon Skrzeczkowski -
In my opinion, working as a consultant wouldn’t be the peak of my ambitions. I’m not interested in that area of jobs, although I think it has some pros. But it is just not in my type and earnings aren’t even convincing to consider it, and mixing job that you don’t like with low revenue can be destructive.
But speaking about good parts of this job, for me traveling would be the best. Exploring new cities and maybe countries is a think that I like to do and a job that gives me that opportunity could be worth it. But on the other side, the least enjoyable aspect of that job would be unpredictability. I like to be flexible in planning my future shenanigans and I don’t like when the job disrupts it.
If I had to work as a consultant I probably would like to work for some movie or photography gear companies, because that is in the field of my interest.

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Daria Thol -
I would like to be a consultant until I start my own business or find a better paid job. I think that it is an interesting, full of challenges job in which I would never be bored.
I like the constant travels related to this job and meeting new people. In addition, I like learning new things and I would like to work on different types of projects to get interesting information about various companies and about how they work.
The disadvantage for me is unpredictability. I always planning everything to keep order in my life. This form of work could be tiring and annoying for me.
If I had to work as a consultant I would like to work for a cosmetics company. I am interested in cosmetics and I would like to know what the work of such a company looks like. It would be very effective to make a presentation based on the company that interests me.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 14.12.2020, 19:25 )

170 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Tomasz Maciejewski -
I’m not sure if I would like to be a consultant. I see that I have some useful skills like communicating with others and organizing things, but I don’t like to work on different fields. In my opinion people work better if they’re devoted to one thing. Moreover, I also didn’t hear about consultant’s high salaries, so it’s not really attractive work for me.
Aspects of the consultant’s job that I would enjoy is meeting new people and travelling abroad. I like to meet new people and get to know better with them. Who knows, maybe they will be useful someday. Travelling abroad is also really tempting.
If I had to choose what company I would like to work for as a consultant it would be a automotive company, because I’m interested in this field and I think I would enjoy working around my passion.

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Martika Kisiel -
Considering the disadvantages and advantages of consultant work, I could be working like that. First of all, contact with people is something necessary for me. I used to talk to lots of people and exchange opinions, no matter if it is in the private or professional sphere. What is more, a job like this requires travel. I love changing my surroundings.
However, I will be keen on giving the solutions for client and observing how the company boost thanks to them. It could be really motivating to do your best. On the other hand, being a consultant will fulfill your free time too, You need to get somewhere and be very impressively prepared.
Moreover, I will take the risk if I receive a proposal from an advertising agency. I have many ideas for advertising spots. As we see on the TV set, sometimes spots can be really creepy and disgusting, so I would like to prevent publishing a failure.

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Joanna Kujawska -
I think that I couldn’t work as a consultant. It seems to me like a very interesting job and I guess that I have some perfect character traits for it but I feel like I need to do something more stable.
The most encouraging part/aspect of it is learning something new with every single project that you work on. Furthermore, you can meet a fascinating people on your way and even make a many new friends.
For On the other hand, working as a consultant you are frequently unable you can not to make a long term plans. You have to be prepared that everything can change in one minute. To boot that kind of job involves your time even when you are officially off-duty.
However, if I would decided to be a consultant I think I would like to work in for a company which produces extraordinary goods. I could find myself in none a not too large team with which I could cooperate every day.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 14.12.2020, 21:43 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Bartosz Paliński -
Frankly speaking, I have never considered to be a consultant. Maybe it’s because I never thought I would be the right person for this position. Or maybe it’s because you have to be very creative to resolve different variety of problems that the company is struggling with. Of course I have some skills that would be very useful in that particular job, such as good organization of tasks and communicative skills. Despite that, you have to be prepared to work in rapidly evolving environment or different teams.
There are many advantages of this job. One of them would be travelling a lot to different cities or countries, meeting new people and culture. It would be a great opportunity to learn more about how different companies resolve their problems, how they deal with them or even what they result from. Unfortunately, there is also the dark side of working as a consultant. Personally I think that the biggest disadvantage of this job is being in constant uncertainty about where I will be tomorrow or next week or month. I couldn’t be sure if I would return to my family and friends for holidays and Christmas. There is a high level of unpredictability that bother me.
I believe that I would have to find out more information about working as a consultant or even work for a trial period to understand better what this job is all about. Definitely I can say that I would like to work in company that offers opportunity to climb the career ladder, pays employees duly for held position and match with my field of interest which are definitely tech companies.

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Aleksandra Sztrajt -
Honestly speaking,/To be honest, I've never considered being a consultant. It might be interesting but I rather don't want to become one. I don't am sure I wouldn't like it in the long run. I also think that consultants don't earn a lot of money, they work long hours and afterhours.
The aspects that I would enjoy the most in this job are: travelling, constant broadening of knowledge and the rapid development of employee/people  skills. The aspects I wouldn't enjoy in this work is exhaustive exhaustion and overwork resulting from in terms of the number of projects. There can be a lot of projects once and on the another day you can have zero projectwork.  So either you have a lot of work or you have nothing to do.
If I have had to choose a the company which I could work for, it would not be a specific company. I would just like to be respected, listened to and appreciated.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 14:48 )

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In reply to Aleksandra Sztrajt

Odp: Consultant

by Krystian Dunst -
I do not think that the work of a consultant is for me. I am not the type of person who is suitable for it. It seems to me that working in such a position offers few opportunities for development. Never has the money been the most important thing for me, just the feeling that by working all the time I am developing.
The most interesting thing about such work seems to me to be travelling. It must be extremely pleasant to get to know new places and cultures as part of work. your job. However, this work involves constant contact with people, and that makes me very tired after a long time.
I would like to work in for a company that deals with something that interests me. It would be a dream come true to work for a company like UFC not only because they are the best at what they do. In addition, they organize events around the world. This gives the opportunity to travel

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 15:32 )

178 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

If I had the possibility to become a consultant i would be glad to accept it. The biggest crucial reasons for it is are: the possibility to gather a lot of different kinds of experiences in different kind of companies, meeting a lot of people. I would definitely enjoy the most the travelling all around the country and visiting new places. That aspect of the job definitely is very attractive to me. I would enjoy the least the unpredictability of the job and sudden all-nighters or some such additional effort that I would have to put in during my off hours off. Out off
Off all the companies that there are there, I guess I don’t have an favourite where I would like to work. It’s like one of the consultant speakers was talking in the video interview. A very positive aspect of consultancy work would be the possibility to get to know different kinds of companies, roles and environments that I can choose. Getting to know them better would allow me to choose my preference and the final line of work or ‘role’. If I had to choose now though, I guess I would choose one more based on salary then than on anything else. The kind of company that pays a high salary I guess.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 15:32 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Antoni Klebba -
I wouldn’t like to be a consultant. The most important reason is the high unpredictability of this profession both the day-to-day as well as long term. It would be difficult to plan a vacation or meet my family during the holidays, and such things are very important to me.
However, if I were to work as a consultant, the best aspect of it would be that my job would always be interesting and demanding for me, and the worst aspect would probably be a long and high level of stress
If I was a consultant, I would probably work for a food manufacturing company.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 15:55 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Patryk Pietniun -
I would not like to be a consultant. I don't see myself in this kind of a career. It is not also the thing I would like to work as in the future either. To be added In addition, there are a lot of difficulties connected with this profession such as low incomes. I don't see myslef also at the type of work that where I would have to work more than 8 hours daily.
One thing I like about this job is the variety of it. It includes much a lot of travel and there is no scheme of doing it. You do not live in a routine. What I do not like is that the hours of work are not specified. It means that you always have to be always on stand-by.
I would like to work for a games company because it is my hobby.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 16:11 )

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In reply to Patryk Pietniun

Odp: Consultant

by Dominika Paszko -
I wouldn't like to be a consultant. The fact is, everyday travels, sometimes late working hours and not being able to plan my holidays are a bit intimidating and this is the real reason why I wouldn't choose such a job.
Sure, being a consultant have has some advantages like the fact that every day might be different, solving someone else's problems on a daily basis. It's also a great opportunity to make set up your own consulting company, which might be profitable. On the other hand the least enjoyable aspect of such a job is definitely the fact that I mentioned above - too much traveling.
If I was to choose a proper company to work for after I graduate, it would have to be somehow connected with marketing.
Currently, I work in the marketing department and it this is this the field that I would like to associate my future with.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 17:23 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Przemysław Podemski -
Honestly, I don't know if I'd like to be a consultant. This job, like any other job, has its advantages and disadvantages. Much depends on what people you work with and how you approach work. I think I have some qualities that may be helpful in this job. I like to advise, analyze, work in a group, but also individually.
In my opinion, the most interesting aspect of this profession is the a great opportunity for personal development. You meet a lot of people from many different industries. Such meetings often broaden the horizons. Sometimes, however, it is difficult to keep a balance between family and work life.
The type of company I could work for is definitely a sports company. I mean sports clubs, especially football clubs. I have been passionate about football since I was a child and I think that I would be great in this reality, and each new task would be a pleasant challenge.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 17:44 )

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In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Martyna Raczkowska -
This is a tough question, because I would have to delve into this topic even more, maybe look around for companies of this type and find out what it looks like first-hand. However, I think it could be an interesting experience. I don't like boredom at work, but I love to develop and broaden my horizons. I think that such work would allow me to educate myself in many other fields that could be my job in the future. What I liked the most was the prospect of traveling and constantly taking on new challenges. However, I would be most afraid of a wrong team, it could make it all difficult, and the work itself would become a chore. In my opinion, there is nothing worse at work than the lack of support and misunderstanding on the part of your colleagues. Especially in this profession, good communication and good interpersonal relationships seem to be crucial. So far, I have not made up my mind about any company in terms of working for it. I think that I'm multitasking and with the appropriate support I would be able to cope with many areas and on many levels. In order to assess where I would like to work the most, I would first have to gain some experience in it.

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In reply to Martyna Raczkowska

Odp: Consultant

by Marta Sobczak -
I wouldn’t like to be a consultant. I don’t like travelling and I like it when I can plan my time. In this work job people travel really often and this work can be pretty unpredictable. I can’t imagine spending Christmas without my family and if I was a consultant this could happen. The most enjoying enjoyable aspect of the job is looking at the effects of my work and knowing what I do have done makes sense. I really don’t like things which are make done only for the sake of doing them. only for make it. In the job I really don’t like bureaucracy. I know many documents is are necessary, but I can’t archivise it. them.
I would like to work for a company which organizes events and parties. I’m really creative and in that’s this kind of company I can do what I like. I can work with other people really well, in that type of job I can fast see the effect of my work and it isn’t boring and I already have some experience in it.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 15.12.2020, 20:03 )

192 words

In reply to Kacper Drewko

Odp: Consultant

by Adam Śliwiński -
As far as I am concerned, I have never thought about working as a consultant. After the video I suppose that I could try working as a consultant especially as a first job. This type of job seems to teach you a lot of things and processes in various types of companies. There is a lot of travelling as well and I am really fond of adventures. What I like the most about this job is lack of boredom, variety of working environments and working in a group on the same project. In my opinion you can really develop your skills in many ways working as a consultant. On the other hand, I agree with the speaker that the unpredictability is the least enjoyable. I can’t imagine being always ready to work even on holidays. I really appreciate the fact that I can plan my schedule so that I can fully rest on my vacations without thinking about my duties.
To sum up consultant is a very challenging job in which you can learn many things as well as train youself to work under a lot of different duties. What’s more you practice a lot working in a team on many various projects which is very beneficial. I think that I would like to try working as a consultant but only for a short period of time, just to learn some things that will help me in the future job

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