Engineering thesis

Engineering thesis

Napisane przez: Adrian Kaszuba ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 5

My diploma’s title is medical equipment sales process improvement project with the implementation of online tools in the company.

The company, which I chose, distributes Italy medical equipment to the invasive procedures of aesthetic medicine throughout the country. Before the outbreak of the corona virus SARS-CoV-2, its activities were primarily based on personal contact with customers.

This project will consist of five chapters.

The first is a introduction. It includes the aim, which is the same like title and answer why I chose this topic.

The second serves as a theoretical introduction to further chapters. It will include and describe the basic concepts related to the topic of the work. Project management, communication, BPMN notation and tools used in the later stages will be discussed.

The third chapter will concern a specific company. It will contain a description of the enterprise, the nature of the business, identification of the problem area and the impact of the epidemic on the enterprise. This problem is falling sales.

The next section will deal with the design of the solution. It will present a few variants, of which only a few selected will be implemented in the company. The work schedule and cost estimate will also be prepared at this stage.

The last chapter will be a summary which will include thoughts on the future of the company

I chose this topic for a few reasons. Firstly the company is in Gdańsk and I live in Gdynia, so it’s really near. Next I personally know the company’s owner and he was willing to help me. He thinks that it is interesting experience. Moreover I had only one idea for my diploma and it was this topic. Next I wrote about epidemic too. This is a new situation in Poland, which has a huge impact on our lives and running business.

306 słów

W odpowiedzi na Adrian Kaszuba

Odp: Engineering thesis

Napisane przez: Katarzyna Sulich ()
The subject of my engineering thesis is a project to improve the customer service process in Modne Meble "R-Styl" by implementing an IT system.
The company I chose deals with the production of furniture. These are mainly kitchen and wardrobe furniture.
My dad owns this company, that's why I chose it. Thanks to this, I have very easy access to information. Additionally, I would like to develop this company in the future, which is why I care about its success. Seeing the problem that I solve in my engineering thesis, I couldn't help but choose it.
It turns out that many customers would like to design their furniture on their own in an application created for this purpose, which is described in detail in the chapter on company analysis. So I decided to design an application that I placed in the design department. In this way, the client can create a project, get to know the price and only make an appointment with an employee of the company for the exact measurement. In addition, he has access to previously performed orders, which he can be inspired by. He can also contact the company and monitor the production phase of his order. This significantly shortens the service time, as well as saves the time and costs incurred by the company for the implementation of measurements and projects that the customer does not accept after the valuation. A detailed cost analysis confirmed the profitability of this investment.
My engineering thesis has already been completed and analyzed by the anti-plagiarism system.
Now I plan to continue my studies, but not in this field. I have yet to rethink my choice.

277 słów

W odpowiedzi na Adrian Kaszuba

Odp: Engineering thesis

Napisane przez: ANNA WAJS ()
To simplify things my engineering thesis is about precise positioning people in the stores based on ctheir cell phones’s wifi signals and using that to increase sales of particular exhibitions and such. My reasoning for choosing this particular subject is that I was interested in the fact that basically everyone is carrying their cell phones with them and all the cell phones are sending wifi beacon broadcasts all the time even when the wifi card is theoretically off, giving out the cell phone’s MAC address and other info. It is much less invasive and legal way to track people, in contrast to forcing GSM positioning via telephone antennas which requires specialised equipment, concessions and fees. It is also almost no cost solution, since only thing required for it to work is appropriate software installed in dedicated computer and small software updates to existing big stores infrastructure. For example IKEA has wifi telephones – for their employees - installed on all the building support columns – which’s wifi cards can be used to gather free floating wifi beacons and used to triangulate location of each mobile wifi device based on strength of signal from three stationary reference points ie three receivers. The Thesis delves in methods of performing that, existing free ware software that can be used to achieve it, and ways to expand on it. It also compares whether it’s cheaper to use existing system or to design and implement dedicated system. It is still work in progress and my leading mentor is throwing logs under my feet but I hope to have it done properly.

263 słów

W odpowiedzi na Adrian Kaszuba

Odp: Engineering thesis

Napisane przez: Daria Thol ()
The subject of my engineering thesis is “Improving the organization of work in an electrical installation industry, through the use of IT technologies”.
The company deals with the assembly of electrical installations. The basic services provided by the company are:
• laying the cable for a new installation,
• cutting furrows for a cable or a box,
• assembly of switches,
• connecting new devices.
I chose this topic because my family member is own this company, therefore I have easy access to all the necessary information. In addition, the company struggles with many problems and my project can solve them. I would like improving the management of a family business and introduce modern solutions. In my thesis will be similar cases and solutions from other companies. They can help me come up with and introduce new ideas to the company.
I am doing an analysis of the current state to find all the company's problems and I am testing the validity of my assumptions using appropriate methods, among other I am conducting interviews with the manager and employees.
In the next step I will try to find the right solutions to most of the problems. Maybe I will try to improve the company's management system or I will introduce modern services to their offer or I will create a new website in order to attract new customers. For now, I have to do technical and economic analysis to check that implement the new solutions will pay off.
I hope my ideas will prove useful, the company will implement them and they will start generating higher revenue, because low income is the main problem in this company.

273 słów

W odpowiedzi na Adrian Kaszuba

Odp: Engineering thesis

Napisane przez: Daria Kuraieva ()
The subject of my engineering thesis “Project to improve the circulation of documentation in the company “Altway” by automating the sales support system”. The company, which I chose, founded in 2005, “Altway” is a global supplier and distributor of electronic components with their offices around the world: USA, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, they successfully supply the necessary components worldwide in the shortest possible time. Also they provide access to everything necessary for production of electronic components, while their laboratory controls the quality and certification of each delivery. “Altway” delivers top-notch quality and full technical support.
My father owns this company, so that’s a main reason why I chose it. It was more easily to be in contact with company and have an information. And in future they will introduce my solution to the problem, I know my work will not be in vain.
In this project I wrote about the company and what the company does. I described the difference between a distributor and dealer, as well as how they work with producer looks like. Also there is an information on how the whole sales process goes, and of course all the nuances of work in this industry.
Now I plan to continue my studies, but maybe not in this field, but I know exactly that I don’t want to continue studying in winter, probably since October in Warsaw.

231 słów

W odpowiedzi na Daria Kuraieva

Re: Odp: Engineering thesis

Napisane przez: Marta Kuklińska ()
The main aim of the thesis is to create the project of improving the relationships between windsurfing school and customers by implementing the reservation system. The project mainly focuses on designing the solution which would help the company with communications problems.
The dissertation is structured in five chapters. In introduction are presented the steps which will be taken to create the project.
A literature review consists of academic background referring to marketing evolution over the years and it’s transformation into relationship marketing. There is also an overview of available information systems used by companies, which support the business in different roles. Finally, the methodology and used tools of analysis are described.
Next chapter is the analysis of the company. The research which was done, allowed to indicate certain problems in communication, company struggle with. The main problem of the windsurfing school is the lack of proper tools which could help with the management of the reservations.
In the next part of the thesis, the project of implementing these systems was done. Based on information from the company and conducted research, there was the possibility to design the expectations and limitations of the reservation system.
The last chapter is a summary showing the predictable benefits for the company as results of implementing a reservation system. It helps companies to manage the reservations and to improve the contact and build loyalty from customers.
I decided to choose that topic, based on my personal experience. I’m training windsurfing and I have the possibility to look closer to a different way of managing the reservation system in watersport schools. The last place I visited didn't meet my expectations for quality customer service, so I wanted to write my thesis to contribute to solving the real problems.

292 słów