Engineering thesis

Re: Odp: Engineering thesis

by Marta Kuklińska -
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The main aim of the thesis is to create the project of improving the relationships between windsurfing school and customers by implementing the reservation system. The project mainly focuses on designing the solution which would help the company with communications problems.
The dissertation is structured in five chapters. In introduction are presented the steps which will be taken to create the project.
A literature review consists of academic background referring to marketing evolution over the years and it’s transformation into relationship marketing. There is also an overview of available information systems used by companies, which support the business in different roles. Finally, the methodology and used tools of analysis are described.
Next chapter is the analysis of the company. The research which was done, allowed to indicate certain problems in communication, company struggle with. The main problem of the windsurfing school is the lack of proper tools which could help with the management of the reservations.
In the next part of the thesis, the project of implementing these systems was done. Based on information from the company and conducted research, there was the possibility to design the expectations and limitations of the reservation system.
The last chapter is a summary showing the predictable benefits for the company as results of implementing a reservation system. It helps companies to manage the reservations and to improve the contact and build loyalty from customers.
I decided to choose that topic, based on my personal experience. I’m training windsurfing and I have the possibility to look closer to a different way of managing the reservation system in watersport schools. The last place I visited didn't meet my expectations for quality customer service, so I wanted to write my thesis to contribute to solving the real problems.

292 words