Wiki 3

Due to the unequal number of students in the group, we were unable to form a group of four and we performed each task as a group of three. OK, no problem.

Izabela Król - Chief Executive of Bajaj-tel

Paulina Mróz - Chief of Finance in Bajaj-tel

Martyna Kępka - Senior partner at Heitinga T-com Consulting

Martyna Kępka - Junior Consultant at Heitinga T-com Consulting

MK senior: We would now like to present you with the concerns regarding the project of implementing the network to the South African market. Our team carried out a variety of analysis, based on which we feel that the government’s objections will be the most difficult to overcome. This is why the main objective in the project should be gaining permits and allowance required in the South African market. 

MK junior: Due to the long period of waiting time needed to access any answers on administration issues, we suggest taking care of fulfilling governmental law issues first. We have estimated that the whole project will be delivered in approximately 18 months, counting from the research stage to the implementation of the new network. This period of time will allow us to fully prepare an insightful analysis as well as go through the planning section and the process of implementing the solution. 

IK: We understand the point, . However, first of all we would like to learn more about your past experience in deploying similar solutions and running projects in the telecom business. We are aware that the technical sector is demanding and requires a lot of specific knowledge. This is why we would kindly ask you to share your previous projects in this area.

PM: We are also concerned about the proposed timescale - we fully understand that the process of making agreements with the government can consume a lot of time, but we were wondering if you would be able to deliver the project in 13 months, because of our the other projects we are conducting and the upcoming expiration of governmental permits. 

MK senior: Answering  your question: Yes, we have business experience in running telecom projects. Two years ago, we successfully implemented the a/another solution and infrastructure in the South American market - thanks to that our company is now a the leader there, so our background is very strong. We are able to deliver sooner, however we wish to provide you with the highest quality of service and recommend the best possible variation and that brings us down to a necessary minimum of 15 months.

MK junior: In the scope of the project we concluded an in-depth feasibility study, a report on the South African mobile and network market, presentation of results conducted from of our investigation, recommendations, implementation part, an advisory role once the project is up and running and a committed team meeting your requirements. 

IK: I suppose we could agree on that,. However, we would like us to agree on a series of consultation meetings in case of any emergency issues no longer than 6 working hours of the whole team in total. We also need to know when we can expect the first stage to be done, what tasks will have been completed/finished and by that time when, and what milestones will be reached. 

MK junior: OK, we can handle the post implementation support, as we understand that some problems can occur after the go-live date. 

PM: Alright, another thing we need to know is how many consultants are required to fulfill carry out/implement the project in the shortest time possible. Based on our experience we strongly believe that working with senior consultants is much more efficient.

MK senior: Our team of senior consultants is small because we are more open and have a strong belief in young people. They always turn out to have open minds and show a high level of creativity, so we will need to work with a lot of juniors too. Another point to bear in mind is the fact that working with more seniors generates higher costs. However, we can guarantee that our juniors are very well prepared and are always guided by our best and most experienced seniors. 

IK: I agree that letting younger people into the spotlight is good, because they need to gain experience and learn to solve serious business problems. We should remember that all of us started as juniors and worked our way up by taking part in various challenging projects. 

MK senior: I suggest we talk about the team structure after we discuss the budget and terms of payment. We can take agree on/accept the payments by hourly rate, or installment payments at each stage of the project. 

IK: Let’s estimate the budget for $1 mln $ and we will pay the overall fee for any future work. But I would like to elaborate on the cost details with both senior partners from your firm during the next scheduled meeting.

MK senior: That sounds fair, unfortunately, our second senior partner Mr Heitinga is currently away on a business trip at this moment, but he signed all the required requirement documents and fully authorised us to make any key decisions. So can we initially agree on a team consisting of 15 senior managers and 35  junior managers?

PM: Let’s do so, consider it a deal. Also we would be grateful if you could prepare the first analysis on how to manage the government regulatory objections until the next meeting. 

MK junior: Of course, that should be do-able. It’s a pleasure making doing business with you, we will send you an email containing the summary of this meeting. I’ll wait to hear from you then. 


The raport from the meeting between Bajaj-Tel and Heitinga T-com Consulting held in Johannesburg, South Africa 15.11.2020.

The following terms of contacts have been accepted:

  • Heitinga T-com Consulting is obliged to provide the dedicated team consisting of 15 senior managers and 35  junior managers

  • The whole project will take 15 months from the analysis part to the go-live without any delays. 

  • On the next scheduled meeting Heitinga T-com Consulting will prepare first analysis related to government regulatory obligations

  • The budget for the project is $1 billion paid once the project is finished, the cost details will be taken under further discussion during the next meeting. 

  • Both sides have agreed to the presented scope and further cooperation will be based on it.

The work is really well done. Congratulations. :)))
Language of negotiations: 10
Grammar+spelling: 17
Solution: 10

Marks: 37/40