Wiki 12

Let's start with the some crucial questions. Have you ever dropped the a device into the water or have been closed to doing so? Had you known its details consequences before it happened or did you almost die? For example, my relative tried to examine if his iPhone is possible able to swim and to our his surprise, the iPhone can’t swim. 

Imagine, you could use any of your devices like a camera, laptop, mobile phone, tablet without taking care if it is waterproof or not. Sounds great, doesn’t it? That’s why we hit on an idea to develop a covering that allows any sort of electronic device to be used underwater. Our product “WaterSecure” makes all devices waterproof, without caring about the details of the tools. no matter what they can do.

The need to invent such a cutting edge solution surfaced or rather drowned together during together with my “home office” experiment. For me, the home office sounded like the an opportunity to work whenever you want, from each place on the Earth where you can find the Internet connection. Well, I was confronted with this idea, when I decided to take my work with me on a sailing trip.

Yes, we all know that it is not a recommended environment to use electrical devices and so yes, I agree, I could have predicted the which consequences it could bring, but, hasn't hadn't the label the product box of my palmtop ensured/assured me on the label of the box, that this device is FOR SURE water-resistant?

Let's think about it: how many times have similar unexpected accidents stopped your plans or destroyed your holiday? Isn’t it so frustrating that we pay so much money for devices with the hope that all the available modern technologies the product has used all the technologies which could bring/offer our phone magic protection were used in its design and production? So, listen now: we are able to give you a chance for the full completely carefree use of your device whenever you want and you won’t pay more than 20$.

Is it magic? No, it’s just science. 

Our product was created in chemical laboratories and it’s based on the most advanced solution used by NASA. The thin, transparent foil is produced from the strongly hydrophilic materials which prevent your devices from water and other liquids. The idea is already adjusted to the sailors' sailing companies' requirements/expectations to be able which wants to use our coverage to protect the on deck computers and navigation devices.

Now, we want to give you the confidence and carefree that your devices will be always safe and ready to use.

The idea is good of course. The pitch is also OK, but quite a number of mistakes in it.

Mark: 17/20

Thank you for your attention!

 Martika Kisiel&Marta Kuklinska