Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Martika Kisiel ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 24

Before doing the psycho test, I would mention that my confidence makes me a good entrepreneur. The test confirmed it, but to my surprise, my tendency to daydreaming makes it too. I didn’t expect such a point of view placed in answers.  A similar situation was with breaking the rules. I have foreseen after these two answers, that the test will tell me I am not a great entrepreneur.  The hardest sentence to decide for me was about logical manners and working in a team or on my own. I try to do my duties in a logical manner, but I am also very emotional, so sometimes it doesn’t work. Finally, I agreed with it. Concerning my style of working, I started to think about such situations. In some of them, I prefer working with people to ensure my opinion is right, but if I am sure what to do, I don’t like interrupting someone else's ideas, so finally, I decided to disagree with the sentence. It was easy to make decisions about the importance of what people think because it only matters when they are relatives. People’s opposition to my opinion isn’t anything surprising or frightening for me. Therefore, it results in me being a pretty good entrepreneur, but I should remember that logical manners aren’t always beneficial. 


219 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Kacper Drewko ()
I have to admit that I was surprised with explanations of some of the statements. I thought that breaking the rules and daydreaming are bad features for an entrepreneur, as I considered them mostly sticking to rules and law and more likely keeping both feet on the ground. And apparently I have some features to work on.

I usually don’t have a problem with stating an opinion that goes against what other people think and I like to explain it and defend it before accepting other people’s opinion. I also prefer to work on my own and make decisions on my own, but in critical situations or one’s that I don’t have much experience in I prefer to consult them with others. So basically I prefer to make decisions on my own but I also don’t blindly believe in my own knowledge and I like to consult it in some cases.

The things that I have to work on to become a more successful entrepreneur are not considering other people’s opinion as important as I do now, because it apparently overshadows my own desire to achieve what I consider important and also that doing things in a logical manner is not always a good thing and I should leave more room for my intuition and spontaneity.

216 słów

W odpowiedzi na Kacper Drewko

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Mateusz Fojtuch ()
Firstly, I think that I am a good entrepreneur. My strongest points are, self-confidence, patience in contact with other people. When I completed the psychological test the answer key mostly proves it.
In my opinion it is nothing wrong when sometimes I break the rules if I know that the decision I made it will be helping to achieve the goals. Daydreaming is good, because these this opens your mind to looking on at the project on the other side, from another perspective but I think a being logical manner is more important. So, I a agree with these sentences. Situations when people don’t agree with your opinion, it will be are/seem useful, because they may to change me my decisions, look at the decisions in other pointfrom a different point of view/from a different angle. So also I agree with it. I disagree with the sentences what people think. People usually like giving advices what we must to do, I don’t care about other's opinions about me, because I know my value. I prefer to work on my own and make decisions on my own.
The point in where I need to improve is working in on a team, listening to people's opinion and more trust other people more.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano niedziela, 1.11.2020, 19:24 )

223 słów

W odpowiedzi na Mateusz Fojtuch

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Szymon Skrzeczkowski ()
Personally I think I would fullfil the role of a good etrepreneur. My answers to the test are fitting to traits of a succesful entrepreneur, I see myself as a creative and open-minded person, but I thought that daydreaming disturbs my focus and isn't generally good, but as it comes out it is an attribute that helps with focusing and coming up with creative ideas. Also I normally don't care about other people opinion on myself or what they think about me as long as I feel that I'm doing the right thing. This also helps with peaking without thinking too much about things that don't really matter. The fact that I prefer to work on my own also came out to be a trait which can be very helpful when it comes to being a succesful entrepreneur, especially when you don't need to work with many people. I think that those three attributes define me the most.

158 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Wiktoria Znaczko ()
I think I would be a good entrepreneur because of my confidence and my ability to work under pressure. The experience gained during several internships and the knowledge acquired during my studies allows me to make plans to open my own business. I think it will even happen soon.
When doing the test, I marked two sentences with which I agreed. However, I did not expect such descriptions of their meanings. Carrying out tasks according to logic seems to me to be the most appropriate course of action. However, I do not agree that such behavior precludes spontaneous action. All you need is the ability to analyze solutions and make quick decisions. The sudden crisis analyzed logically does not correspond to the definition of spontaneity.
I also "marked" that I'd rather work in a group than alone. I really like to exchange experiences and insights with others, perhaps more wise and experienced people, thanks to which I can develop and draw conclusions from my own behavior. However, this does not exclude my independence in making decisions, which was suggested by the description.
However, some issues were highlighted in the descriptions and after analysis, I found that to be a good entrepreneur, it is worth acquiring such features or skills as daydreaming, which can lead to new and creative solutions. I am a task-focused and down-to-earth person, but spending some time with my head in the clouds would certainly benefit me in finding unpopular solutions to difficult problems.

247 słów

W odpowiedzi na Wiktoria Znaczko

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Katarzyna Sulich ()
Personally, I have always felt that I did not possess enough entrepreneurial qualities. However, I thought that I could work them out/could learn them them, and the ones I have are appropriate.
However, the analysis that I read based on my choices shows that not only would I not be a very good entrepreneur, but also those features that I considered important do not necessarily help the an entrepreneur. Well, I would have to work on some aspects. Namely, despite good qualities and skills, it turns out that they are not fully suitable for the tasks undertaken by the an entrepreneur.
The ability to work in a team that I have is really important, especially at the beginning of my business. However, I have to learn to make my own decisions, which may not be supported by others, but may be crucial to achieving the goal. Generally, I have no problem making my own decisions, but I have always paid attention to the opinion of others, and as it turns out, it is not the best solution.
My other strength is the ability to think logically. It is useful and necessary at work, but not always everything goes logically. Therefore, I should work on a spontaneous approach to making decisions and learn to react to unexpected situations.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 2.11.2020, 11:26 )

228 słów

W odpowiedzi na Katarzyna Sulich

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Adrian Kaszuba ()
Before doing a psychological test I think that I will be a good entrepreneur. I really was convinced about it, but according to this exercise I won’t be, but I have my own opinion of this topic. My advantages are that I do things in logical manner and I don’t care about people think about me. The acclaim isn’t important for me. I know who I am and how much I can achieve. Moreover people gossip, because they are jealous and they don’t support your ideas.
I was surprised with a few explanations, because I understood the sentences in different way. When the author write “I don’t mind if I break the rules when I do something”, I thought about the applicable law, no about critical situations. Still I think that the breaking the rules is bad method. The second point on which I disagree concerns daydreaming. I thought about the people who dream in work about new cars, houses or something like that, no about imagination and creativity in work.
I agree with the working in a team is really important in business. Now I am tired cooperation on studies and I prefer working on my own, but I hope that’s momentary, because it’s an important ability.

208 słów

W odpowiedzi na Katarzyna Sulich

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Marta Sobczak ()
Always I always think I wouldn’t make a good entrepreneur. I don’t have a suitable personality and I should be part of a team, not a single entrepreneur. When I analyst analysed the test’s answer I find found a few features in me which would anyway make me a good entrepreneur.
I think I can do things in a logical manner, what which is important for designing the system and the/its procedures. However, it shouldn’t be used too often, s. Sometimes a good options is to make making something in differently, with not use of logic. I  ’m love daydreaming. It  ’s shows I’m creative and have imagination, which what is really important to make/start/set up a new business. I like working in a team, but I have problems with in making decisions without consulting them  it with someone else. If I work at it, I will become a more successful entrepreneur. Also I should working at on not worrying about what people think of me.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 2.11.2020, 14:32 )

179 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Antoni Klebba ()
Taking Doing the mentioned earlier psychological quiz helped me understand how important in running my own business could being be the ability able to take a position that goes against conventional wisdom. With my perseverance and confidence in my abillity to overcome ing adversity I would be/make a successful entrepreneur.
My strongest points are mentioned earlier perseverance, confidence and also logical thinking and developed abillity to work in teams.
However, all of the above does not mean that in my opinion im I'mperfect on in that field. If I want to become an entrepreneur i should focus on developing my abillity to thinking outside of the box and on creativity.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 2.11.2020, 13:54 )

121 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Tomasz Maciejewski ()
According to first question, I belive that I would make a good entrepreneur. However, the explanations of the statements that I chose to describe myself raised doubts. I always thought that doing things in a logical manner is my advantage, therefore I don’t agree with the explanation. However, I believe that intuition and spontaneity is also very welcome in management. The next statement that I chose was about breaking the rules. That was also a surprise for me, because I was sure that’s not welcome in business. However, I’m pleased that I can consider that as a con. From my point of view, my strongest points are patience and courage which are valuable qualities in enrepreneurs. According to last question, I believe that I should improve working in a team aspect, because I always prefer to do things in my way rather than consulting with others.

146 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Przemysław Podemski ()
I think that I would be a good entrepreneur but according to the psychological test explanations it is not as so/that obvious. In my opinion, a successful entrepreneur must connect a few aspects, because today’s world requires various skills from you. When you run your business, you have to make decisions on your own but sometimes you manage people or work with them. In one situation you will do the behave in a logical way but in the another you trust your intuition, so different skills are needed. In my humble opinion, my strongest point is working in a team, but I like doing things on my own too. To become a more successful entrepreneur I would have to work on regularity. I believe that perseverance is the one of the most important features on the way to success.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 2.11.2020, 17:42 )

150 słów

W odpowiedzi na Przemysław Podemski

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Justyna Niezgodzińska ()
I think I would be a good entrepreneurs. I am creative and I am not afraid of taking risk. My strongest point is rationalism. I don't think you can make business decisions based on emotions. You have to analyze the pros and cons when you are making a decision. What is more, I am a person who achieves pre-set goals. I set a plan, time and I implement it. One of the things I need to work on in order to be successful as an entrepreneur is developing my networking. You need to be able to find people for cooperation, investment or help.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano poniedziałek, 2.11.2020, 20:29 )

113 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Martyna Raczkowska ()
Despite my little experience, I think I would be a good entrepreneur because characterizes me initiative and creativity, organizational skills and the ability to make decisions.

Sometimes I am able to bend the rules to achieve my goal, but not at all costs, so it was difficult for me to answer this question unambiguously.

As my colleagues noticed, it was also surprising for me that daydreaming can turn out to be a trait of a good entrepreneur, but it confirmed me in my statement from the beggining.

All my life mattered only what my loved ones think about me, the opinion of strangers does not interest me at all, it seems to me that I am confident and other people's comments cannot influence my decision.

Unfortunately, I prefer working in a team to working on my own which according to the test is not what makes me a good entrepreneur. However, I believe that teamwork is very important, and the ability to listen to others is very necessary to be a team leader.

To be a more successful entrepreneur, I definitely need to work on self-discipline and develop my leadership skills.

191 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Aleksandra Sztrajt ()
I have to admit that I am a little bit surprised by the test results. I’ve always thought I will be a good entrepreneur because of the ability to work in a team, being sensitive to the people’s opinions and not braking the rules. It turns out that if I don’t break the rules when I’m doing something I don’t have necessary resourcefulness. I might not be able to face critical situations. Furthermore, critical situations often should not be resolved in a team. Good entrepreneur have to make important decisions without consulting others. I would be better entrepreneur if I didn’t require someone’s approval before taking decisions or if I didn’t be so sensitive to the judgments of other people. I thought that other people’s opinions are important but now I understand that being able to take a position that goes against conventional wisdom is essential for an entrepreneur. 

On the other hand, I have some strong points. I like to spend time on a daydreaming. It’s supposedly a sign of creative thinking. I only use logical thinking when needed. I can think both spontaneously and logically, depending on the situation.

191 słów

W odpowiedzi na Aleksandra Sztrajt

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Joanna Kujawska ()
I would define myself as a good entrepreneur. Based on feedback given in the task I think I can still say so.
One of my strongest point is having on my own opinion despite everything. I always have a mind of my own and it is almost impossible to convince me to something that I disagree on. The next factor what make me a good entrepreneur is that like to be independent and making my own choices what means that I like working alone. However, I also feel good with working in a team especially when we are on the same wavelength. What is more I have a high imagination and creativity.

To be a good entrepreneur I have to especially work on taking care about others people opinions. Being too focus on my surroundings opinion makes that I became more conservative. According to the test my next issue is that I usually stick to the rules. I thought that this is a good quality but apparently a successful entrepreneur is ready to dealing with a critical situation and sometimes it means bend the rules. The last feature to be improved is thinking in a logical manner. Sometimes it is better to trust your intuition and be more spontaneity.

209 słów

W odpowiedzi na Joanna Kujawska

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Krystian Dunst ()
At the beginning I would like to mention that I have never thought of becoming an entrepreneur. I expected that breaking the rules and dreams are the hallmarks of a good entrepreneur, because often in order to succeed you have to be uncompromising and have a dream that you want to make come true. In some part/To some extent this is consistent with what kind of person I am. People quite often agree with what I say because I often explain it and try to use logical arguments. For me the opinion of other people is very important and I see nothing wrong with that. I like to consult my ideas/solutions/suggestions with other people often because I like to look at the problem from the other side a different perpsective/from a different angle and as/because/since I realize that I may not see something myself. For the same reasons I prefer teamwork. In a group, people can complement each other's weaknesses and reinforce their strengths.

(Edytowany przez Dorota Horowska - pierwotnie wysłano wtorek, 3.11.2020, 08:40 )

180 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Patryk Pietniun ()
I do not think I would be a good entrepreneur. The test confirmed that and I feel good about it. I do not see myself having my own company. I would rather work for someone else. Also I was suprised about the test. I hadn't known that daydreaming is something important in being entrepreneur. I would rather say that this thing is inappropriate and that tirned out to be my strongest point. It really suprised me. Also the statement about breaking rules. What I have to work on more is definitely teamwork. I hate working with others and I prefer to work alone. I can focus on my own ideas and no one can distract me. In my opinion to be good entrepreneur I have to work harder on my character and I will try to do it.

138 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: ANNA WAJS ()
Based on this text i would make a good entrepreneur, even though I do not fully agree with it. If I started my own business my strongest points would be intuition and spontaneity because supposedly my unlogical side is a sign of that. Well it is true that i deal quickly with unexpected developments. Daydreaming is another thing that all good Entrepreneurs do which I have in common with them. Again something i do not agree with but apparently not being a team player is working in my favour. Well, It is true that I’m quite self-reliant and I especially do not require approval or agreement of others before making important decisions. Still it’s hard to believe. It is also very difficult to be objective when describing my own character. I strongly suspect the quiz and descriptions of choices are designed to stirrup discussion and arguments. In my opinion being law abiding and following the rules is positive character trait even in the new entrepreneur. But according to that text I should work on learning how to break the rules in order to success in making a start-up successful. In conclusion, things that i think are my bad character traits are good for me, and my good character traits are bad for me. Since I would have to ‘correct’ my good character traits, then I would prefer to not be an entrepreneur.

232 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Klaudia Ryś ()
Basing on the excercise, I think I would make a good entrepreneur.
I don't like to break or bend the rules, it makes me uncomfortable and uncertain of my decisions. However, when I really have to, or it allows a much more efficient way to achieve my goals, I will probably do it without hesitation.
I am surprised that daydreaming is considered a plus in this field. It happens to me very often, and I have never perceived dissconection as a good thing. Moreover, I generally try to stay grounded and not allow myself to drown in my thoughts. Maybe I will be more forgiving to myself, knowing that it is, in fact, a sign of creativity.
I believe I am a very logical person, I have also heard it from my friends. I often feel like I have no intuition at all, I simply analyze causes and effects. Predominantly it is a big advantage, yet sometimes it becomes my weakness - I assume that others have the same approach to things as I do, when in reality there are a lot of differences among people. I should definitely work on trusting my gut in order to make decisions faster.
I do have some strong opinions, which I have experienced people disagreeing with. However, if I deeply believe in something and I have some sort of evidence proving my point, nothing will change that.
I naturally do care about what my close family or best friends have to say about me. But I generally do not find people's thoughts of me important, as it is often a projection of some insecurities. My main concern is always - am I proud of myself, am I content with what I'm doing, am I doing what is best for me? I don't think anybody's opinion would stop me on my way to achieving goals.
I do not consider working in groups a hard thing. I like seeing everybody's potential being explored and used in order to success. However, I think I prefer working alone. It provides me space to grow and develop in my own directions, at my own speed. I am definitely self reliant, as I rarely need advice when making decisions, which I believe comes from being logical.

375 słów

W odpowiedzi na Klaudia Ryś

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Dominika Paszko ()
I think I could be a good entrepreneur because of my personality. I am a confident and creative person, which is undoubtedly necessary when starting my own business. I believe that graduating from my studies has a positive effect on becoming an entrepreneur. I believe that I would be a good entrepreneur because I am not afraid of challenges. I can act under pressure and make quick decisions. I like working in a team without a doubt, but I prefer to lead it. In order to become a perfect entrepreneur, there are some qualities I need to work on. I am afraid to take risks, which is undoubtedly necessary in the business world.

113 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Bartosz Paliński ()
In my personal opinion, I think that I would be a good entrepreneur because of my abilities to work under pressure, dealing with stressful situations and working in team. I hope that the experience that I have gained from working in various types of work and the most important from studies, will help me to develop my personal skills and climb in career ladder.
Frankly speaking, I was surprised with the explanations of some of the statement. I thought that good entrepreneur always think logically and will never bend the rules in order to survive. That statement shows that entrepreneur must always be unpredictable in his actions, as I am. Sometimes I like to put everything in logical whole, but there are moments in my life when I do my job on the spur of the moment, which is essential for entrepreneur who have to deal with unexpected developments. I can surely say that my imagination is vivid, but unfortunately I must admit that my creativity is not my forte. Although, daydreaming in which I am quite good, is a sign of creative thinking and can help to disconnect from the outside world. Definitely my strong suit is taking a position that goes against conventional wisdom. I don’t have problem with standing up for what I believe in, even if everybody else think in a different way. On the other hand my weakness could be my position in other people eyes. It doesn’t matter to me what strangers think of me, but the opinion of my friends and family is very important to me. Sometimes I think that their opinion is even more important for me than my own. I’m sure that they don’t want to hurt me, just to help me. Last statement shows that teamwork is an important part of starting a business. However, being able to make decisions without consulting others is very crucial. I think that this is another thing I should pay more attention. Having our own opinion is very important to become a more successful entrepreneur.

342 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Daria Thol ()
I would make a good entrepreneur. First, I can bend the rules if the situation requires it. This shows that I have the necessary resourcefulness. The second of my strongest points is that I don't always do things in a logical manner. When I need to deal with unexpected changes, I will make decisions intuitively and spontaneously. Besides, It doesn't matter what people think of me. This is a good feature because people can't overshadow my desire to achieve what I have set out to do.

To become a more successful entrepreneur I would have to work on daydreaming, because imagination and creativity are important part of setting up a new business venture. Besides that I should be less sensitive to the judgements of other people and more self reliant. I like teamwork but I should be able to make important decisions myself without require the approval of other.

149 słów

W odpowiedzi na Daria Thol

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Justyna Kaczorowska ()
Being an entrepreneur requires a lot of skills such as personality traits, knowledge and intuition. In my opinion I would be a good entrepreneur, but not outstanding . Of course, it would take a lot of self-discipline and much more learning. However, I am scrupulous, accurate and responsible. I am able to face new challenges. Also, I can looking in a creative way at problems and searching for unusual solutions. I am not afraid of my intuition, I trust my gut.
On the other hand, running own business requires action in distressing situations. I have to learn it. The most difficult thing for me would be to get used to irregular working hours. The entrepreneur must be ready for spending his time for his business.
The results of the quiz surprised me a bit. I think that a good entrepreneur should combine daydreaming with keeping both feet on the ground.

149 słów

W odpowiedzi na Martika Kisiel

Odp: Would you make a good entrepreneur?

Napisane przez: Adam Śliwiński ()
When I was younger I didn’t believe I could be a good entrepreneur but as time went on and I was acquiring more and more knowledge I started to think about it. Know after years of learning and getting to know how companies work I believe I could be a good entrepreneur.
I have chosen two statements that match my character traits in the quiz. I was surprised after reading the description that both are not as promising as I suggested. I have always liked to work in groups since I remember. I disagree with the statement that I would have to consult my decision with others. I can take into consideration their opinion but I will be the one deciding, and I don’t have to wait for the approval of others. Also I am doing things in a logical manner and this time I agree that this type of trait can be strict and without room for the Intuition. I suppose that I need to work on doing some tasks in spontaneous manner which can lead to development in working under pressure and dealing with sudden changes.
In my opinion I should work on my confidence to not be reliable on other opinion and suggestions because it leads to changing my own goal due to others. What’s more I need to be able to break some rules in order to finish important projects. This was always a struggle for me to overcome as I tend to obey the rules.

250 słów