Headhunting as an opportunity

Headhunting as an opportunity

Napisane przez: Aleksandra Bartkowska ()
Liczba odpowiedzi: 0

This question is hard to answer. And as most of the things, it depends on the way how you do it. If the an employee of another company is offered a job and the headhunter is not lying to other people and the future employer does not make the person to share the previous company secrets, I think it is all okay. For some of the people, it is an opportunity they were/have been waiting for so much time/for so long/foe ages. From my point of view is just informing (???) about the vacancy. And it’s up to this person if they want to take this job or not. Of course, it’s completely different when the terms of contract showed at the beginning are different from the actual ones or when the person is nagged all the time with by the headhunter.
Summarizing I think headhunting is a good thing, especially for shy people who underestimate themselves and don’t know their full value.  worth.


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